'Angel Pink' in darker fall color

Hooks, TX

This is the bloom on my 'Angel Pink' today. The colors seems darker now than they were earlier in the year. There are flower spikes still forming. I'm wondering if it will keep blooming until frost in about 6-7 weeks.
I plan to have many more varieties of canna next year.


Thumbnail by TexasLou
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I really love this canna. Yours looks great. I'm so impressed yours is not all eaten up by those dang borers. They seem to stay away when I spray a little sevin, but when it's so hot I just don't ever make time to spray, so they look pretty ratty, despite beautiful blooms.

Hooks, TX

Thanks. This one inspired me to place an order with Horn Canna Farm for quite a few more for next spring. Now to get a bed ready!


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