Types of Fertilizer

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I have been seasoning my bales with bat guano tea, one gallon per day poured over the top of the bale, then water with a soaker hose until the bale is completely wet. The bales are heating up nicely but I'm wondering if this is enough fertilizer?

Should I also sprinkle on some blood meal and let that all wash into the mix as well? Should I add some compost from my pile?

Thanks for your help.

Wake Forest, NC

If your bales are heating up with the guano, I'd just stay with that. Sounds like that's doing the trick just fine. When they start "cooling" back down, put your plants in.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Thanks Kent. One bale is 120 degrees, the other 110. The year-old bales I have did not heat up at all when I added either the blood meal or the guano, so I have decided not to use them for growing, they will be mulch.

Wake Forest, NC

Mary: the year old bales should do just fine. They have just been pre-prepped for you. Just keep them moist and plant in them when your "fresh" bales are ready.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Oh! That's good news. I think I'm starting to 'Get It'. :-)

What about ants? Should I care that the bales are infested? I put out some Amdro but two of the bales are sitting where LOTS of grapefruit fell and rotted over many years, before we bought the house, and whenever I water there, ants galore.

Wake Forest, NC

I've never had any problems with ants. About the only insects I get are some crickets and a few spiders. The damp bales deter most everything else.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Mary, what kind of ants are they? I had ants in my hoophouse where I keep my bales and I gave them a mixture of borax and powdered sugar. That works for the little ants. It didn't do much for the fire ants which I had in my hh. So, I had to use some ant spray. But, I don't think I would put it directly on the bales. Is that where the ants are?

You know, they will carry it back on their feet. I think you should read directions carefully.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Hi Jeanette, these are fire ants. I did not sprinkle directly on the bale. Around the outside. Thanks for your comments.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Mary, The fireants dig holes, have you seen them? About as big around as a nickle. Do they do that in your bales? I doubt it. They may not carry the ant "bait" into your plants. The root system.


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