General Canna help & descriptions, please?

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

Ok, I'm new to Cannas but have bought a few already and am getting ready to build a bed beside my deck, but I think I might be confused on a couple of things and can't find the info I'm looking for. I need help before I kill them.

On the rhizomes - When I get a rhizome that has the base of a stalk growing out of it that's been cut, do I leave the cut part out of the dirt? I'm able to identify the eyes, but the stalk part is confusing me. I killed an Ermine already (or maybe it wasn't good to start with) and I don't want to kill the beautiful Shenandoah rhizome I just received. The Shenandoah had at least 2 eyes that I saw, plus a lot of roots, so all that is planted under the dirt, but I left the stalk out. Please tell me what to do.

Also, I received a couple of plants about 10 days ago, Black Knight & Madam Butterfly Pink, that were about 2' tall with 2 or 3 leaves each. I planted those in temporary pots, but they're not doing very well. The leaves are hanging, cracked, and are trying to "brown", and there doesn't seem to be any new growth coming up. Any suggestions there?

I do have an Australia that's doing beautifully under all the same conditions, with new leaves coming up and staying healthy.

Help me, please, before I kill them all!!! lol

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

The way you're planting them is fine.

Are you giving the new cannas lots of water?

This year I tried lots of cannas late and the only ones that haven't rotted are the ones I kept on the drier side. The others I watered as I would other cannas I started earlier are gone. Just my experience.

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

Ok, thank you! At least I know I'm planting the rhizomes properly.

I've gone back & forth with the watering already, 'cus I saw the frequent watering wasn't helping the poor ones. But it hasn't seemed to make a difference yet. Then again, 10 days isn't a very long test period, is it? lol We've been in the 90's this week, so I've been watching my little container garden like a hawk. I have all my temporarily potted plants in there, too, until I'm ready to put them in the ground. I also moved my Australia away from the poorly ones yesterday, just in case they have a virus my Aussie doesn't.

Now that I killed my Ermine, I need to find 2 white ones. (I was already short one) Any ideas for those? I'm doing 2 red, 2 pink, and 2 white in that bed.

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