Anyone else using bathroom fixtures for planter containers?

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Last year in the "what junque do you use for container planting" thread, I was inspired to dig my robins egg blue bidet out of the weeds and clean it out.

After many suggestions, months of indecision and hours of shopping for plants, I stuffed some in it rather than put it back in the weeds.

Plant choices were pretty but wasn't quite what I was looking for. I combined crown of thorns in yellow with a cluster of blackberry lilies in peachy orange. The taller purple foliage and blooms of wheatstick celosia made it look like a spewing purple fountain at a distance and the trailers were (pleasantly) fragrant trailing purple petunias... Unfortunately the petunias played out early in the heat when this photo was taken and the purple celosia is in the background.

Not quite what I had in mind but is was pretty...

This message was edited Sep 8, 2007 9:00 PM

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

At a community garage sale a few years ago, I picked up this decorative sink for a buck. I had hopes of using it on a potting bench or in a GH.

Thumbnail by podster
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

After looking at it for a few years, I thought why not!

A small succulent planting with gasterias, aloes, and other succulents with orbea caudata taking over... The figurine was a gift from a neighbor and inspired this theme...

Thumbnail by podster
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

So, I guess my question is this.

Am I alone with this plumbing planter penchant?

Any water "closet" planters out there?

Please don't make me feel insecure.... lol

Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

Porcelain in the garden - coleus and copperleaf

Thumbnail by jmorth
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Pod, what happened to the photo you referred to in your first post. I'd love to see that robin's egg blue bidet planted that I've heard about for years. :-)


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Janet ~ I just wondered what DID happen to it! It was there last night because I reread the first post and then edited it. Maybe the edit wiped it out but I have "never" been able to delete a photo here before. Scratching my head...

Maybe potty humor was considered a little too risque for DG... lol

I'll give it another try. Don't be too disappointed. lol pod

Thumbnail by podster
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Jmorth ~ I love it! Nice plant combo and I had to wait till the photo loaded to see what the porcelain piece was. Started laughing. Is is still attached to the bowl? If so, what combination do you have growing there?

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh Pod! That is beautiful! Prettiest potty I've ever seen! HAHAHAHAHAHA Love those big orange blooms!

That IS strange that the photo would disappear. I've wanted that to happen a time or two, but as you said, no deleting the photo once it's posted without help from Admin.


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Janet, just posted in the DG forum

~ so confused....
~ maybe I need more coffee lol

Chewelah, WA(Zone 5a)

I love that blue porcelain!
It was easier to move this one out into the garden than haul it off to the dump.......
Next year I want something that will drape over and cover more of the bowl. Any suggestions?

Thumbnail by woofie
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Woofie ~ that is pretty. Thanks for coming out of the closet!

I hoped the trailing petunias would last but our heat is tough (and the bidet was too heavy to move at that point.)

Other trailers I had thought about were pennyroyal ~ Mentha pulegium for a green color.

Maybe for a yellow color, I do like the Lysmachia ~ creeping jenny.

In cooler climates, the licorice vine (which is a frosted green) works too. Again, it doesn't like this climate. Least for me!

I am thinking next year stuffing some spider plants which drape lots of plantlets maybe...

Perhaps others can toss in some suggestions.

Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

the bowl has some self-seeded cypress vine.

Thumbnail by jmorth
Chewelah, WA(Zone 5a)

Hmmm, spider plants? Y'know I've only ever had those as house plants. What kind of outside environment do they like?
Another possibility might be Painted Tongue, salpiglossis sinuata. I haven't grown those (yet!), but the pictures I've seen are really pretty.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Painted Tongue, salpiglossis sinuata ~ you made me go look. That is a pretty plant!

The spider plants do well outdoors even in our heat. They don't even require excessive watering. In this zone, the hardier solid green one will come back when put in ground. In a mild winter even the variegated will overwinter inground if mulched. You would probably need to pot them up and bring in for winter

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

pod.... you take the 'tank' on this one; i so would have joined you with a pot fetish had i seen that sink is what i have been looking for....i neeeeeed it...but if you must have it ....then i shall be deprived of pot fetishim(sp)??

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Pot lust! Wow...

Hiya Sticks!

How's the arm... better lay off on the patting yourself on the back.
BTW, were you happy with the dressform price? Now, how on earth do you pack that buddy. Therein lies the challenge.

That sink shows you I will pay a buck for just about anything. I envisioned it dropped in a weathered board top on a potting bench ~ maybe someday.
What do you see in it ~ praytell?

You obviously aren't from east Texas if you don't garden in a bathroom fixture of some sort. I also have a tub ~ harvest gold. Hadn't decided what or why. A friend said his Dad sank one in the ground, used good soil and did an asparagus bed. This is an ugly modern tub. Burial would be the way to hide it. If I had a footed cast iron tub I might try a koi pond but this tub would look ludicrous.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Pod, your sink bowl sounds like just what Connie was after when she built her greenhouse. She ended up using a terra cotta pot for her sink in the potting area. You can see it here in this link.

And for what it's worth, if you haven't seen this greenhouse and you want to check out the whole thing, it's definitely a project worth looking at. (Click on the In Reply To area of the link below to read the whole thread.)

I have an old bathtub that I use to keep my potting soil in. I'll have to take a photo of it tomorrow. It's not the prettiest tub, but it sure is functional for keeping my soil dry. I can mix about 5 bags of soil up at a time in that monster tub! It's got an old section of wooden fence (with a hinge) to cover it and keep stuff dry.

Last year at the end of the season, I went to a fall roundup. Some of the plants ended up being parked in there for the winter. It kept them from freezing and I had wonderful plants to start with this spring.


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Great idea on the tub. That would be an easy way of heeling them in till planting.

I will have to tour that greenhouse link ~ thanks

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Pod, I hope you enjoy the building of Connie's greenhouse. It was unbelievable ACTUALLY watching it happen. To see the area NOW, compared to last fall. Good Lord it's UNBELIEVABLE that it's the same real estate!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

She has so many pretty beds and landscaping. I know I will enjoy this links... thanks!

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

pod i was very happy about the dress form made about90 bucks...which i neeeeeed; hubbie will ship it for me....;

your dollar was well spent for that sink...i will photo where it would be perfect in my yard

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Bait me with the "perfect" location... and let me know your ideas for it... : ))

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Now those are FUN!!! Very inventive...

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks KatG ~ no potty trained gardeners at your home????

Jmorth ~ did the cypress vine fill in well? They become really thick in this climate. I like them almost as much as the hummers do... I don't know why, but I expected to see some of your lovely gloriosa lilies climbing up and out on the potty. LOL

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Sticks ~ didn't mean to be nosy but your dressform caught my attention as I have one ~ sans base leftover from the 2nd hand store. Don't really want to get rid of it but it's been sitting in storage...

I used to have one of those wire mesh dress forms we sold cheap ~ should have kept that. It would have been cool to have cypress vines or something growing on it...

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Janet "UQT" ~ the Senecio starts you sent me have climbed beyond all reason. LOL! It is a very pretty vine. Sadly, it has not bloomed the first time but I am astounded at how hardy (sun/heat) it it...

I had a tennis ball basket that I painted to look old (rusty) and put the pot in and disguided the pot with pinestraw. The vines have grown up and around the long handles and draped down. Beautiful. Thank you...

Hmm... that vine might be pretty in a potty...

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I bet that WOULD be pretty hanging out of a potty. Hmmmmmmmm

I think it's more of a spring bloomer Pod. Mine isn't blooming either. But then, mine is covered with potato vines at the moment. Each year I say to myself, I'm going to move the Senecio, and then forget to move it before the potatoes start vining. Next thing I know, it's gone crazy and I'm trying to find something it can grow on. I have peeked through the big heart leaves though and the Senecio vine is just fine. I gave some to Connie not long ago. The Senecio sure seems to be hardy. I didn't bring it in last year and it survived the couple of cold days we got.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i've never used a sink or bath tub, but i have nailed my DH's work boots to a tree, and used them as planters.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Work boots ~ how cute... do you have a picture? If I used my DHs boots, the plants would HAVE to be hardy! lol

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

sorry i don't have a pic., but can i tell you DH thought i had lost my mind

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL ~ what do guys know. Great imagination makes for wonderful planters... lol

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I didn't nail any boots to a tree, but bought these high heel sneakers specifically at Goodwill to use as a planter after I saw Andy's sneaker planters.

Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

seems like there was a rock n roll song about high heeled sneakers... lol

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I don't remember that. I'm terrible with remembering lyrics, etc.

I will tell you this though, I'd break my neck if I were to try and wear them. I haven't worn heels in 20 years. I'm all about comfort instead of style these days. Give me my Rocket Dog slip ons (also found at a thrift store) any day! :-)


Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

pod no prob about the dressform...i figure if i post it here it is not private information...; that is what i love about garage never know what
you will find...and when you find something like that that you can turn fairly easy
for fairly good money ...then i sell it!!!! what i don't get is that some must have
been born under a rock when they sell something like that so cheap...2 bucks ...come on...i would have paid 10....maybe 20....; once a junquer always a junquer...and i have to go look....

when my arm gets usable i will take photos of some stuff i just had to have....a rusty grocery basket from the 30's on wheels....i plan on putting pumpkins in it for the fall....which is right now...but not sure if i will this year due to my arm

as for your wire basket....i love those things filled with stuff....; i have to really watch myself cause i start getting 'junky' looking rather than 'cottage' looking...there is such a fine line there....

my hubby once showed me a house in breckenridge that he drives past when he goes to his deer is tasteless.....this lady has so much crapola going on and it is awful......; sometimes if i am dragging more stuff in my hubbie starts saying ...'breckenridge'....i will say, no way...and he sez breckenridge....(grin)

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Me too, Janet. Wore those high heels for years,.... (a couple years ago ;) Birkenstocks in summer and winter for me. They work best for my ritisy ol' (not OLD) knees! lol Dichondra Silver falls would look good in those potties! It's kind of silvery green and takes any condition you put it in, it would kind of look like the commode was running over......maybe... I remember what fun we had with Pods blue bidet last year... thanks for posting for us again, Podster. I think it would be kind of funny to make the potty part a goldfish bowl and the tank part would hold some water cypress and horsetail rush.... course, you'd have to make them water tight.... Or I bet you could grow a tomato plant in there, don't know if I'd tell my fellow employees where the tomatoes came from exactly..... oh, gracious, this can just go on and on! How bout a pot-o-pansies for fall? Yellow would be beautiful! Or something highly scented? "They are right over there in the bidet, go smell them!" (have camera ready) Okay, I'll stop.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

He meant to do that to you Sticks! Bad husband ~ ROFL

Cottagey I am not ~ junquey I am sure... heck, the only way I look at things at a flea market anymore is can I plant something in it? Eclectic to say the least ~ lol!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

AuntieB ~ please don't feel the need to stop ~ after all, I did plant 'pee'tunias, thought the euphorbia should have been crown of thrones ~ not thorns... : ))

To be honest, the thread last summer just confused me. I wanted to plant so much. The bidet would have been soooo full, it would have backed up and overflowed.... pod

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

This is the purple foliage and bloom of the celosia that is growing ( too tall ) in the blue bidet. Pretty tho...

Thumbnail by podster

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