grubs and diatomaceous earth?

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

Here is a link to a thread i started on the NE forum.
Has anyone used diatomaceous earth for pest control (not the pool filter kind)? Will it work on my grubs?
I'd gratefully appreciate any information, help, or advice you could offer.


mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

according to reports i've read, DE won't kill earthworms so it probably won't kill the grubs either. once DE gets wet, it loses it's sharpness, apparently. that's why you have to re-apply after a rain. it sounds like you want to go organic, but the one thing i do use in the garden that isn't organic is spectracide triazicide "once and done" granules from lowe's. it kills ants, grubs, etc. i sprinkle it throughout the garden twice a year, not heavy, just sprinkle, and then water in. i still have plenty of beneficials and lizards, toads, etc. and all my wild birds are ok too. i have to use this for fire ants from time to time. a big bag lasts a long time and it's not expensive.

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

According to this website, DE will kill grubs.,1785,HGTV_3546_2165906,00.html

There are many who say that DE will kill earthworms, but I am also seeing studies that it won't hurt them at all.

North Hills, CA

I'm finding those grubs in my container garden lately.

I saw holes the size on my little finger in the soil a couple weeks ago and figured that the mice I caught in the trap might have been doing it.

Acording to what I've Googled it was probably those metalic green June bugs laying eggs.
Are their eggs about 1/16th inch round yellow semi transparent balls?
Where I dug up a grub I also found the yellow eggs.
If not,I guess I have some other kind of critter that wants my containers to le home.I'm getting tired of all these beasties that keep putting my pepper plants on their menu this year.
I use organic compost etc. to top off my containers and what I've read says thats the kind of stuff the grubs like to live in and adults lay their eggs in.

The container I found the grub in has a Chocolate Habanero plant in it that was falling over the other day.I propped it up and it seemed to have no roots on one side-lots on the other.I thaught it was strange,then I found the grub and it started raining.
The plant also has been dropping leaves.I thaught it was the recent cool nights.

Now that the rains gone I guess I should dig it up and go through the pot looking for more eggs and grubs,then replant it a little deeper with some nutrient that promotes root growth(probably kelp meal will do it).

This years the first year I've had so many bug problems.Too many.
I've spent too much money on organic pest cures this year.
Mantises,ladybugs,wasps,nematodes,sticky strips,you name it.
I get rid of one thing and something else takes it's place.

The peppers that I've harvested must have cost me $40.-$50. Lb.

Getting as expensive as going saltwater fishing and keeping my boat happy. LOL
Heck if they raise the price of Malted Barley I'll really be screwed,I make my own beer.....I'll have to get a second job so I can have my hobbies.

I need a beer.MMMMMMM Beeeeer.....

What kind shall I have-Bock,Pale Ale,Wheat,a stout?
Heck I've got 5 recipes to choose from,Think I'll try one of each.Screw the grubs,aphids,Thrips and all their kind.

Might as well have some homemade smoked Jerky while I'm at it.
Ya thats the ticket...

I'm going grub hunting tomorrow,where's my bug squishing boots?
You'll see,I'll show em who's boss.

(soundtrack from apocalyps now Playing in the background)
I love the sound of grubs squishing in the morning...
It sounds like victory! LOL

This message was edited Sep 23, 2007 2:19 AM

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

Sounds like grubs to me! The larvae of the Japanese beetle. I used beneficial nematodes one year and they worked great but you have to put it on at the right time.

Here's a link, but there are other companies that carry them also

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