Weight Loss Challange Sept. 8th - Sept. 15th

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

What a glorius fall morning to awaken to! The temps are just right, we've had a bit of rain the past few days so the air smells nice and clean, etc.

I have so much to get done in the next few days. It tires me just to think of it. I'm going to see my friend Geraldine and take here some stool flushing water tho the plumber should be there today to dig out the old pressure tank and replace it & that will give her water again. But she thinks she is developing a kidney infection so I'm taking some bags of frozen cranberries to her. I'll stop at the store and get some cranapple juice for her and maybe some apple juice to help get that under control. She will call the doctor on Mon. and get an appointment asap. Then I'll stop at Shirley's trailer either on the way to work this afternoon or after church tomorrow and set off about 10 or 12 bug bombs to kill off at least some of the roaches so she can go in and get what she absolutely has to have to set up housekeeping again. She is determined to go live somewhere else the first of the month. She has given 30 days notice already. I don't think anyplace else will let her live there for long as poor a house keeper as she is. She is just plain too lazy for words. She has had her son and husband for slaves until the past couple months and now is trying desperately to find new slaves. Only problem is that none of us will co operate with that plan. I get very blunt and just down right mean and nasty with her sometimes to get the point across that she has to prove she can be independent before anyone will believe it and that no one is going to do everything for her. That seems to be the only thing she understands. I know a couple other people have talked to her like that too so maybe she will begin to realize that she has to make effort on her own part.

Please, everyone, keep me in your prayers. I am going to need divine strength to get everything done in the next couple weeks. There is just so much going on in my life and even tho some of it is suppose to be relaxing and fun it will still take energy and time away from home and my bed and chair. Starting next Sat. is suppose to be a week of time with Kris, then a couple days rest, then go to Branson with Brenda for a few days for little expense on my part(it will have to be that way or I won't go)before going back to work on that weekend. Not only that, my sister/friend Barbara is now without transportation during the day and there are some things she just can't do after her husband gets home from work so I'm going to be taking her to places at least one day or part day a week for awhile until her vehicle is fixed.

Must go. GOD bless and keep each of you.

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