Would like advive for more of a cottage appeal

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

A purple clematis sprawling up house to right of doorway, then winding over to front of entry overhang. lol

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

sticks what software are you using? You are doing a great job.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

2pug it is sierra custom land designer home and garden suite

wrightie...well let me just pull that out of my brain right quick:)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL... bring back the flamingo!

I've never seen such a heap of impatiens... we'd better come up with some alternatives, or she'll have to spring for 6 flats of them every spring! ;-)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

this is about the best i can do

Thumbnail by sticks_n_stones
Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Sticks, You're the Best!!! Too fun.

Sorry, Want2Bee for subjecting your already adorable home to my carefree whims. You're a good sport.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

She is a good sport! (I hope! LOL)

Sometimes it's necessary to see what something looks like when "overdone" in order to know what will look "just right!"

I don't know if anybody else watched Christopher Lowell's design show... but I thought he was the king of designing a very nice room and then taking it 2 or 3 steps over the top... and not over the top in a good way, LOL... I liked his ideas and even used some of them, but I usually called it finished a couple of steps early!

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

IMO Get rid of the large flower box under the window, and the vines on the porch. Go back to the picture you posted at 3:16 but add the little flowering tree. Leave out the flamingo. You have done a great job sticks.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

taking a bow....yall are funny:)
hopefully we havent scared want2bee off daves.....(grin)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I agree... I liked the windowbox idea better before I saw it... I think something that large will detract from the great plantings in the bed below the window. I did actually like those skinny trees, as having a vertical element seemed to connect the window to the bed below.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

LOL - well I think that in real life, the window box would be better proportioned than in the graphic and it would be made of different materials than the s/w program spits out.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

how big do we want the planter box? i can resize it in a flash....i am with wrightie...i am likin the focal interest with the window and plantbox

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

The box itself is overpowering the window and flowers; if you've got a hayrack style planter, try that and make it slightly lower in height. Throw some green fern-like plants, trailing ivy-like plants in the planter, you could even lose the flowers if you felt like it. So, even if it's planted with all green material, the effect will be to soften that big window and will be an elegant and charming look, imo.

Of course, Sticks, I don't expect you to be able to do all that with your program, but that's what I see in me mind's eye.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, I am back on board with the windowbox, LOL... a hayrack style planter, and balance it with a nice tall, simple wrought iron trellis for that clematis to climb on the other side of the front porch!

cedar rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Oh, You guys are GREAT!!! I had to go take care of my mom and mow her lawn...so couldn't wait to get home and see what you came up with!!! Plus I stopped at the garden center on the way in..(I took the long way,ha)..
I bought a Tardiva Hydrangea shrub/tree...to replace the little tree on the left. IT WAS 1/2 OFF... they too thought it would look better...they said the other one was the wrong look for my beds, to formal...soooooo I guess I'm a messy gardener, ha.
I moved that popsicile tree to the back yard...I hurried and got them moved before dark and my husband comes home! see what you think... it will help to plant different plants also in that bed next year,
I do have a lot of impatiences on the other side of the driveway to the left,along a big rock. so the idea of buying some plants doesn't scare me....my husband is VERY good about letting me do my flower thing, he knows thats how I escape from the real world..
My mother has had 4 different cancers in the last 4 years, the last was brain, so this is good for me!! tell me if this is better...here's a pic...be honest! thanks

Thumbnail by want2bee
cedar rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

here's another view from the side.. think it needs to come out futher.. it's out futher than the other tree was....

Thumbnail by want2bee
cedar rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

heres another

Thumbnail by want2bee
cedar rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

as you can kinda see i have window boxes on the front right side and on the garage.My boxes had red geraniums ,white and purple petunias and vines.... then all my pots were the red geraniums..
I look at the pictures and think how blah, after seeing what you guys created!!!!

Thumbnail by want2bee
(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

In the picture you posted before this last one, I really like your new lawn ornament, the four legged one. Very nice addition.

cedar rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks! Oh, he'd for sure have that PINK FLAMIGO !!He and the little one road race around that big tree in the front, that's why I don't know if I could get away with all the impatiences, cause I think I would lose mine!
the one in the front door is mine!

This message was edited Sep 12, 2007 7:47 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OH! Yes!! That's exactly where I was envisioning a tree, and I do think a less formal looking one works better with the "look" you're developing. I'm not familiar with that hydrangea, but the main thing with spacing plants in foundation beds is to be sure they won't be jammed up against the house when they mature... so check the mature width (should be on the tag) and divide by 2 to get the minimum distance out from the side of the house. (An extra 8 or 12 inches doesn't hurt, if you've got the space.)

Now... I'm looking at your front porch and wanting your containers to make a bigger statement, perhaps also to be a little less symmetrical... Although one answer would be to replace them with just one or two larger container plantings, here's something else you could try with the pretty plants that you have now... Take the bottom container on the left side, and move it up one step to form a triangular grouping (the container on the top step should be positioned between the 2 containers below it, so the plants all show off nicely)... Now take the containers on the second and third step on the right, and move them onto the walkway, in front of the container on the right of the bottom step, so that you get another triangular grouping. It's hard to judge if that will block your steps too much, but play around with some different positions and groupings for the pots, and you might be able to find something that works without the symmetry of your current arrangement (which is nice, but is a more formal and less dramatic look).

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hmm, you posted that last photo while I was typing that really wordy suggestion, LOL...

Now that I can see your stairs better, I'm not sure it would work to put 2 pots side by side... But how about this... The biggest plant goes on the porch, to the left of the door (where you have a pot now). The other 2 pots on the left go down to the walkway, around the outside of the curve so that there's a line of 5 pots going up the steps on that side... See what that does to the look...

cedar rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I have in the other years, taken and done two big pots at the top of the steps..I never thought of that.. will try in the morning...I don't care if people can't walk up the porch steps, we use the side door! ha
I think I still need the climbing rose on the side of house, was going to buy one and they said to wait till spring....Probably cause they'll cost more than...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

No they won't... you can get nice bare-root roses in early spring! They ship them dormant, you plant them and then -- stand back! :-)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

want to be...you did great !!! altho...as i said, i love your home...in fact i had to relook where you were from as you home looks like something off the coast....a beach bungalow....adarondick (sp) chairs..etc..; very pretty

we are just lil nut cases so ignore me for sure...

sorry to hear about your mom...

cedar rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I think that's what I'll do is wait till spring to buy roses, but start watching for trellis's and maybe see about the window box under the bay window... I too think that would really soften the look.

cedar rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Sticks.....You're great... you've given me a VISION!!! with that computer! hee hee
Still thinking about all those impatinces.....

Stuiped question? What would grow faster to go around the front porch, and would I plant one on each side, two on each side or just one period? The clematis wouldn't have thorns or do I need to worry about that?

This message was edited Sep 12, 2007 8:24 PM

cedar rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Ok, if you guys are still with me....
My husband noticed the tree last night at 12:30 am when he came home from work..
Funny doesn't even walk past it, or pull in that driveway....(he to thinks it looks better.)
Glad you said it was too small, I thought so too, but just thought that because I like instant results..

I went out this morning and measured that spot it is 13 ft. wide there, and the tree is 21/2 ft from the sidewalk now..

Any ideas on the rose to climb up that side? I am zone 5a...


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That side looks like it gets a fair amount of sun, so you have loads of options... just depends on the sort of color and fragrance you like! (If you wanted a rose next to your porch, where it seems like there would be more shade from that tree, I'd go with Zephirine Drouhin.) It does seem to me that I've heard lots of good things about Don Juan, for example... I googled at random and found this description (I have no other knowledge of this vendor), http://www.heirloomroses.com/cgi/browse.cgi?page=item&cat=13&item=432

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I grew Don Juan at a previous home and loved it, but mine was in full sun. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/55944/

W2B, what direction is the front of your house facing? (N, S, E, W)

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

I just checked out the rose Don Juan and it is beautiful. I don't like roses, because of the thorns. Then I checked out the one that is thornless Zephirine Drouhin and it is a very pretty rose. I may break down next spring and order one. I read where they aren't shipping to my zone now. I couldn't find where it said if it takes full sun or shade.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ZD will also do fine in full sun, but it's the only one I know that will bloom well where there's shade. I love mine! Pretty blooms, and sweetly fragrant too! And being thornless (or nearly -- I've found one or two) is a big plus for me since mine is right by the steps leading to the deck.

It seems like we've discussed ZD before on this forum... wonder if we can dig up that thread...

Thumbnail by critterologist
Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i have both roses...and they are in only 4 hours of sun a day and still do well; i got them cause they can live with less sun than others..but do quite well

cedar rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Hey guys, thanks again!!!!!!!!!!
I love the roses...The ZD looks like from what i seen, it's for zone 6 and up...I really would love the thornless..
Maybe this weekend when hubby's at work, I'll go by the garden shop and ask them!

My front faces the south and the side of the house with the deck is west..

I laid in bed last night and wished Spring was here already, I want to really replant that front big bed now, a lot of phlox's and snapdrangons, more old timey stuff up there to get that soft look.. JUST CAN'T WAIT.. I have 200 tulips to plant this weekend and was over at Wandasflowers this eve. and got Iris's from her!! GREAT PLANTS...
I even moved my pots around on the porch this morning, looks better TOO. THANKS

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

ZD smells great, too!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sticks? Did I read that right? Is Don Juan another climber that can make do with less sun?

cedar rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

That's how I took it too....

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

it is my understanding that they can take less sun; and with my experience is great on 4 or less hours of sun a day....this is only the second year of growth.....and it shot out canes like nobodys business

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Good to know! ZD was the only "shade performer" I'd heard of, previously. My MIL will be delighted... :-)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

here is a great thread of more information than one would want to know for any lifetime....but it is here:


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