Do all cannas need moist soil?

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Are there any varieties of canna that don't mind soil that might get dry once in a while? The ones I'm familiar with all need consistently moist or even boggy sites to thrive. I was asked this question by someone who wants to plant them in a sunny, but dry spot and I didn't know the answer.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Deb, some cannas will live and grow in super dry conditions, but they won't reach the size that they would with more water.

I have a dry, sunny exposed slope where I've had Richard Wallace, Futurity Red, Tropicanna---they have lived but they don't all bloom. They're pretty short, too, maybe 2 feet at the tallest. There's also a spot I never water that isn't a slope where Red President and Cherry Red do pretty well and bloom. hope that helps

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Yeah, they won't do well if kept dry, and depending on how dry they are, are likely to eventually peter out from stress.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I intentionally have a couple planted in a rather dry area of my garden to keep them short. not much bloom action either. that's OK by me. I just needed to fill in the spot s/ tropical foliage.

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi Deb,

You could also put pots with holes into pots without holes in the ground,
or set pots in a kiddie pool. This year we knew we would not get around
to planting all of the new Canna, but not wanting to lose them, stuck the
pots in a small kiddie pool filled with water.

They not only thrived, but put off seed pods like nobody's business.
Before fall hits, we'll simply pull the pots from the pool, let them dry a
couple days and then put them into the garage. Next spring, IF we get
around to planting them, cool, but if not, they will be allowed to do their
thing in the kiddie pools once more.

:-) Karen Marie

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Karen Marie" Good idea - the pot within a pot thing. Instant bog garden!
Thanks, I'll pass that idea along.

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