Colour oooopsie .........

Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

I don't know if I used soil I had previously used to germinate Tropaeolum tricolor to upgrade the pot size of some of my Tropaeolum lepidum tubers (against my very own recommendations to other people!!!! LOL), or if the T. tricolor and the T. lepidum pots were too close last season and a seed of T.t. just dropped into the T. l. pot, the thing is now I have a pot with two different T. lepidum colours and .... a volunteer T. tricolor. This is not exactly my idea of good colour combination for a container LOL.

They are so crowded by now and have the same leaves, that I will not be able to mark the T. tricolor to move it to a different place when the foliage dies back.

Have you had colour-oooopsies in a container as well?


Thumbnail by Ursula
Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I can never manage to grow things in containers. But I sure do like yours!!

Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

Thanks, Marie. In my case, it is the only possibility (for the time being), since I (still) live in an apartment.

Victoria BC, Canada(Zone 9a)

Ursula... I wouldn't call that an oppppsiessss:) Call me wierd but they are very pretty together.

I am still waiting on seeds to germinate so I guess I would accept any color. I like them both but I especially like the tropaeolum lepidum, gorgeous color. The wait will be well worth it.
You have the touch my dear!


Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

Dear Bea, remember to keep the seeds just slightly moist. Why did you sow them before Fall? - that's the best time for these Trops. They need winter-cold to germinate.

Keep your fingers crossed that the pollinators do a better job than last year when I only collected some 5 seeds of my T. lepidum. Did you notice the pale dusty pink one right in the middle of the picture that has just started blooming?



Erwin, TN(Zone 7a)

I think it is nice also, --[but i mostly just grow vegetables] Michael

Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

You know Michael, I have been easily convinced and now I like it as well ;o). Thanks for your kind comment.

Victoria BC, Canada(Zone 9a)

Ursula.... I couldn't wait ( very big grin) I just had to pot them up. I did put them into the fridge for about 8 weeks before I potted them. If they don't show soon I will consider that agin although our nights are getting very cool now so perhaps i won't need to. I will just put them outside. Fall is in the air and I guess spring is on the way for lucky you.

That pink one is so pretty too I did miss it. What is that one called?


Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

Dear Bea,

I know how hard it is to wait for the proper season for our seeds ....... Maybe you should leave them outdoors making sure they do not get too much water (slightly moist is what the seeds need to germinate) and bring them in once you see the tiny seedling emerging. Don't panic when the foliage dies back! They go dormant during summer and early autumn, to re-sprout in late autumn.

The dusty-pink one is T. lepidum as well. I got the seeds from a friend that grows almost any Chilean Tropaeolum species and they self-hybridized to different colours. I have one really big plant of that colour, but since my balconies are so crowded with plants I cannot find an angle from where I can take a picture of the whole plant. I took this picture this morning from a very small part of the plant. Enjoy!

Yes, spring is (almost) here and I LOVE IT!!!!



Thumbnail by Ursula
Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

This is how the 'oooopsie.pot' looks today

Thumbnail by Ursula
St. Paul, MN(Zone 4b)

Dear Ursula,

How nice to see you posting! I hope you are well.

Your 'oooopsie pot' is anything but - it is absoutely gorgeous! The colors play off each other beautifully. You should be very proud of your container display. Congratulations!

As we are entering fall here, you are glimpsing the light of spring. All the best to you this coming growing season, and PLEASE keep posting pictures.


Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

Dear Erick, thank you so much for your kind words.

I have wonderful plans, that's why I have been very busy and not much on DG. The enclosed picture has to do with my plans. Isn't it gorgeous?

Big bear hug,


Thumbnail by Ursula
Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Beautiful, Ursula.

Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)


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