Please ID Snake

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

This creeped me out! I found a snake in my duck coop today! :o
I managed to catch it with a shovel and put it in an old parakeet cage I had the the garage thinking the bars were too narrow for it to escape but by the time I went inside to grab my camera it was gone. Drat!

I'm sure it was a young, immature wasn't very long maybe 10 inches or so.
It was tan with black markings but had a distinct characteristic of flattening its head out like a cobra when I annoyed it. It was chubbier than a Garter Snake.

I live in Michigan. I've never seen anything around here except Garter Snakes and an occasional dead Blue Racer on the roads.

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

I snooped around...I think it was and Eastern Hog-Nosed Snake.
They are not harmful...mainly like to eat toads.,1607,7-153-10370_12145_12201-61207--,00.html

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i was going to say hognose. they are fascinating snakes and very docile. they are toad and frog eaters.

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