Identifying passis that just pop up question

Palm Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)

In my yard I planted one side of an arbor with a lady Margaret and one side with a p. cerulea because i liked them both. Now, there are lots of little vines popping up all over the yard, but some look like cerulea leaves and some like Lady Margaret. This may sound like a very stupid newbie question, but is there a way to tell if the babies are one or the other, or will they be a mix of both or something else. There is also a large white i think it is just p. edulis in the back yard so it could have factored in somehow but i dont know if it could have sent up runners that far. I never noticed any fruit, (although I am not that observant and there are tons of squirrels that would like to keep it that way so it is possible there was) so I assumed one of them was sending up runners but I don't know if they do this, and would they both do it at the same time? If my daughter takes a nap I will try to take pictures, which would make it easier but can you identify from just leaves of a little baby plant or do I have to let them grow? I know probably a lot of stupid questions, but I hate to just rip them all out but they can't all stay where they are popping up.

Palm Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)

here is the first one that i dug up...

Thumbnail by ellagarden
Palm Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)

some more popping up

Thumbnail by ellagarden
Palm Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)

the original plants, i know i need to trim them and ignore the staghorn its another story altogether....

Thumbnail by ellagarden
Palm Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)

and taking over the vinca...

Thumbnail by ellagarden
Palm Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)

This is the one from the backyard- bought for $4 at a box store just labeled "passionflower". a year later it is eating my backyard but i like it so....I never did ID it though...

Thumbnail by ellagarden

P. edulis

Palm Harbor, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm sorry- are you saying the ones that just popped up are the edulis or that is the ID for the white one?

White one.

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