Lacey looking leaves

Davenport, IA

The leaves on my hollyhocks and hibiscus are looking lacey. By lacey I mean little holes all over them. Almost like a skeleton look. The hollyhocks are the worst. I've cut some of them off, but now I'm getting more. Is this caused by aphids or something else?

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

This is caused by the larval stage of the hibiscus sawfly. Aphids suck juice from the plant; they are unable to make holes because they don't have chewing mouth parts.

Davenport, IA

Thanks ceejaytown. I was worried it was something really bad and I'd have to rip out all my flowers because of it. Tammy

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

I get them here, too - on my hibiscus and turk's cap. When I see the first holes, I start looking closely at the leaves, and find little greenish caterpillar looking larvae. I just squish them. You'll need to check them frequently because the adults will have laid eggs everywhere, and you'll keep seeing more. You have to be diligent.

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