Name My Cannas...PLEASE

Orlando, FL

I have several cannas...but no I was hoping for some help. This first one is orange..I was told it was moonglow orange...but later I was told no that is futurity orange. I honestly have no idea what to look for to know how to figure out what it is....However I really want to have some names as my patches of cannas are really filling out and looking good. I have 2 more colors...that I do not have pictures of yet..but will add when they bloom...Thank you for you time and help

This message was edited Sep 3, 2007 10:41 PM

Thumbnail by Moofiepoo
Orlando, FL

and I have this one too.... some of these are christmas red..and others..almost have a tint of orange..kind of poppy red colored....about 4 or 5 feet tall. all green stems and leaves.

This message was edited Sep 3, 2007 10:37 PM

Thumbnail by Moofiepoo
Orlando, FL

and...Yes I have more....this one is white..but stays very small...never hit 2 feet tall and blooms often

Thumbnail by Moofiepoo
Orlando, FL

I sure hope someone comes in and helps me identify my pretties...Thanks

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