Re: ngam's Digitalis Grandiflora

Medway, MA(Zone 5b)

Is this your first yellow foxglove? I have about six of them, in a row, and I love them! So do the bees - I love the sound the bees make when they're inside the "bell"! Of course, this picture is from the spring time, as you can tell by the Mountain Laurel in the background.

Thumbnail by PrimroseSue
Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Yes this digi is new to me. How long have you had yours? I have two groups of three in a new bed. As I said I am pleased that one and now another looks like it is also sending a flower spike up this first year. They are in full sun and I was concerned it might be too much but they look very happy and healthy and are forming a nice clump in both locations in the garden. As usual I won't know if they will come back or not next spring, but I do expect they will and can't wait to see them for a full season in the garden. The color is very soft and pleasing and goes well with the delphs and lavender nearby. This bed is all yellow and orange with purple and blue colors and so far it is filling in much faster than I had envisioned so I am quite pleased. Does yours bloom all summer? So far they are a winner here too.

Medway, MA(Zone 5b)

I've had mine for three years now. They're in full sun also and they love it. They will come back next year - they are called the "perennial yellow foxglove". I do like the soft yellow color also. Mine tend to get long and curly, thus flopping over - I usually have to stake them, but I don't mind. I cut them down in early August this year.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Do you think a spot with morning sun and afternoon shade would help them stand up better? I will see how mine do next year in the sunny spot. If I get any babies maybe I will try a half sun location and see if there is a difference. I just love trying new plants. :)

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

If you cut them back after the first bloom, they will bloom again later in the summer/fall - mine are on the second go right now. I love these. So reliable!

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)


I didn't know they would bloom again if the first blooms were trimmed. Is that true for the white foxglove as well?

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Is the white foxglove a perennial? If so, it might.

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

The other foxgloves are biennials mostly and will send up side shoots of flowers usually if you cut the central stalk down. They will be smaller than the first. If you want your plant to reseed you must let the seeds ripen first.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Oh, they're ripening, all right!
I haven't cut the stalks. I think I will leave them for some winter-time snow sculptures.

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