Canna seeds?

San Antonio, TX

Are these seeds? Pulled them off a canna plant after the flower died and opened it up. A different canna had a large round seed when I opened it but these were so different I had to ask.

Thumbnail by Anaid
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Nope, these aren't seeds, the large black round one on your other plant was seed.

Robertsdale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi Anaid,

The seed pods in your picture are not mature. Many times a canna will form the pods, but they will not contain viable seed. If you leave the pods on the plant until they are "brown and dried out looking," you can squeeze them to determine if they have mature seed inside. You will feel the little marbles inside. The seed is dark, round and hard and can vary in size depending upon the variety or species.


San Antonio, TX

So I jumped the gun, huh? I guess Im a little anxious to get them before the birds do.

Robertsdale, AL(Zone 8b)

I've not observed birds being a problem with my canna seed. ...but I guess the birds are probably "bigger" in Texas!?


San Antonio, TX

It's either the birds or those jack rabbit size squirrels. I've seen them chew on almost anything..... :)

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