Anyone interested in a Round Robbin?

Philomath, OR

Hi! I wondering if there is any interest in a Round Robbin on this forum. I have done it with the epifourms group several times. It's LOTS of fun and a great way to add to your collection.

Here's how it works: first person sends out a box with a minimum of 10 hoya cuttings to the next person on the list. THat person gets to take all the cuttings they would like out of the box and has to add the same number they took (or more) back into the box sending it to the next person on the list.

If there is nothing you want when the box gets to you, you are only out the cost of shipping it to the next person on the list. (That has yet to happen to me, there is allways something I want :~)

The only rules are:
Minimum 2 node cuttings (bigger IS better:~)
Healthy pest free
No duplicate cuttings. ( if it's already in the box you cant use it as a replacement cutting.)
You send off cuttings you would be happy to get.
You send the box out to the next person on the list ASAP. Try for a 1-2 day turnaround.
Post only what you TAKE OUT, not what you put in the box.

Well? What do you think? Post here or dmail me directly.

Thanks and God bless. -joanne

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Do you think that 10 cuttings might be a large obligation for some of those new to hoyas?

Philomath, OR

Carol, I start it by putting 10+ cuttings in the box. I send it to say, you. You look in the box and only want ONE cutting since you have all the rest, so you take out that ONE and only have to replace ONE. IF you take out 2, 3, or 4 then you have to replace 2, 3 or 4 cuttings. Howmanyever you take, you replace the same ammount.

Is that more clear? I only rewrote that silly post 5 times trying to get it right! :~) Anyone with more questions ask away! I will be out of the house for a few hours but will try to answer any other questions then.

Thanks and God bless. -joanne

Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)


If you start it with 10, then I would be interested, as I have probably 3 or 4 Hoyas that could use a haircut and I could possibly get something that I don't have. It sounds like fun.


Philomath, OR

Doug, I will put more than 10 in the box to start. That was just a minimum number. I have some rooted plants that came from David Liddle as cuttings earlier this year I was going to sell on eBay but thought this would be so much more fun!

So to start, there is you, me and I think MsKitty is on board too! -joanne

Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

Something to look forward to.

Davison, MI(Zone 5a)

OK, count me in...will they be labeled with the name of the plant, or is that part of the surprise?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I would love to do it...however, I will be off the island starting the 12 of September...for 3 I could be lAST or one of the first....

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I'd love to get in on this!

Knoxville, TN

Sounds like fun! How do you keep the cuttings from drying out if they are being shipped around so much? I know there is a school of thought that says they sould be shipped dry. I wonder if it might be better to wrap some damp spaghnum moss around the ends. It would keep the cuts hydrated and you could always make a new cut for rooting.
Regardless, I'll play!

Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

I'd like to play, surely I'll have at least one cutting that I can trade out. I'm expecting a box from Carol sometime this week with new plants too, so that should up my odds of having something to contribute!


Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

I would be concerned about how well they would travel too. But I suppose if each person who opened the box rehydrated the cuttings before mailing them out it would be ok. Add me to the list!

:) Kim

San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)

Oooh, sounds fun! I'd like to join. But I'm also wondering about how the cuttings would survive, especially if there is a long list of people joining in....maybe wrap the cut end in a paper towel dipped in water/Eleanor's solution, then in an individual baggy and have folks refresh the cuttings before sending on?


Prescott, AZ

I'm in as well. Sounds like if they are being taken out and put in every two to three days, that most of the cuttings will remain fresh. If they get to looking wilted, maybe someone could soak them overnight and get it back on it's way. The spaghnum moss and paper towell method sounds good too. Cindy I am sure they will be labeled? right Joanne?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Julia has a good idea...

But then again...why not make the 'box' that is travelling around a 'virtual' box. And the taking out and putting back in can be done in emails and then the cuttings that....oh, no, that wouldn't work, would it? Keeping cuttings healthy and fresh for 3 or 4 weeks is difficult...I tried it in the philippines....and I could soak them every night.....


Edited to say that with my traveling I best not participate.... :>(

This message was edited Aug 29, 2007 12:12 PM

Philomath, OR

Ok, The method used in the past is YES, spagnum moss or, my preference is wet paper towel, around the cut end in a sealed baggie. AND YES always label your cuttings. No NOID cuttings.

I want to stop at 20 people and I'm sorry to say only US addresses. It took over 2 weeks last time shipping to Canada so unfortunatly I won't be able to include you :~( BUT if you are a Canadian and want to participate, the epiforums group DOES ship to Canada. Check that out! You don't have to be an epiforums member.

I think the cuttings should travel ok if we limit the number of address and everyone promises to get the box back in the mail ASAP. I try to get it back in the mail the same day but I know with jobs and such it's hard.

If you see a cutting in the box that just does not look good, take it out. I will put more than 10 cuttings to start hoping that there will always be at LEAST that many in the box. Some people who have lots to share will put an extra cutting in just for fun. The first time I did this we started with 10 and ended up with nearly 30 to choose from!

Please dmail me with your full name and mailing address if you want on the list. I will post when and if we reach 20. If all goes well we can do this again when Carol is home.

Brownsville, KY(Zone 6a)

I'd like to participate if the limit hasn't been met yet. Sounds like a lot of fun.


Aberdeen, NC

Sounds like a lot of fun. Count me in.....

Philomath, OR

YEA! we have room for 9-10 more people! Please remember to dmail me with your 'real' name and address. I will put the box in the mail TUESDAY morning! I'm so excited!! -joanne

San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)

Whoops! I'm going to be in Norway from Sept. 5 - 10. I didn't realize you were sending out the box so soon. So I will sadly bow out until the next occasion. Sniff.


Philomath, OR

Julia, I can put you at the end of the list. FOR SURE it won't be to you until after the 10th. If you still want out that's fine but I can guarantee the box will not get to before then. LMK and WOW! Norway? How cool!
God bless, -joanne

San Francisco, CA

I'd like in, Joanne, and I promise to replace any wilted cuttings with something interesting.

San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)

OOH, Ok, then. Will there only be carnosas left at that point? Can we make a rule that no carnosas/publicalyx allowed or is that snooty and exclusionary? If so, my bad.

(I'm going to Norway on book tour, yee ha. Not a place I'd think of visiting on my own).


Philomath, OR

Julia, on this one we will take what we get but with all the people signing up I don't think you have to worry. If all goes well on this one, perhaps we could do a 'high end' hoya round robbin? However, your idea of 'high end' might be different than mine :~)

Remember, you don't have to take any or you can take them all but you do have to replace the same number you take out.

Mark, welcome aboard!


Medford, NJ

Generally, these round robins usually do exclude the more common varieties, especially carnosa - but then that would also exclude some new for pubicalyx, some of them are not as common, I have alot of hoyas now, but only one pubicalyx, so I probably would appreciate being able to get a Red Buttons or Royal Hawaiian.

I am not going to participate this time, I am buying a few new plants this month already and am at my hoya limit, especially now that everything is coming indoors and I have to somehow find room for them all....

But I think it is great that you all are doing this, i got some great plants last year from one I participated in, and hope to do it again, maybe in the spring...?

Once thing I would like to suggest, Joanne may want to add this to the rules, because some people don't know this and I saw alot of it in the last RR I was in...please no old woody or old growth cuttings! Try to take them from newer growth on your plant, not brand new growth, and not real old growth, but something in between and closer to new....old growth cuttings I find take a long time to root, a long time to start showing any growth, and have higher incidences of rot and other problems....and this is especially important now that we are getting towards the end of the summer/growing season, when things take a little longer anyway. Just a suggestion, not trying to be bossy...

Have fun everyone, if you haven't done it before, you are in for a treat, it is VERY exciting getting that big box, but somewhat stressful trying to decide what to take out!!!!

Oh, and another suggestion, the one I was in, there were also some non-hoya freebies mixed in, if someone had some cuttings of something, they added them and they were there for the taking for anyone that wanted to give them a good home...not sure if that might confuse things, it didn't with the one I was in, but that is up to you guys....

San Francisco, CA(Zone 10a)

Good suggestions, Bhavana34. By the way, I have a huge Royal Hawaiin Purple (I believe it is anyway) that I just dumped on my back deck to make room for other hoyas. I have several publicalyxes that grow like weeds and NEVER flower - thus my frustration. I'd be happy to trade with you, if you'd like, if you send me a private d-mail.

Thanks for the clarification, Joanne...I'd still like to be on the list, then.


Philomath, OR

Bhavana, There is a hoya limit? PLEASE don't mention that to my DH!

I appriciate your sugestion about the old woody stem cuttings. We must have been in the same RR.

I think this time we will limit it to hoya cuttings or small rooted plants. It's my first time trying to organize a RR and I don't want to make it more complicated than I have too. You see, I'm easily confused ;~)

Thanks again for the sugestions. Hope we do this again in the spring when you are UNDER your hoya limit! -joanne

San Francisco, CA

I can't wait!
Common varieties are just fine, of course. There are no common plants, only common people.
Gotta run- moving wine-barrels around for fall planting. Anyone else ever notice that empty barrels make the most noise?

Philomath, OR

OK gang, here are the people who have shown interst:

Confirmed by dmail:

interested, but not yet confirmed by dmail:

I just went out and watered everthing so they will be nice and juiced up for the trip! -joanne

Davison, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh, I'm going to back out as I'm just not ready. I'm sorry. Don't have interesting enough extras yet. Don't have to encourage me back. I was going to give up something I really want. I've changed my mind. I'm not disappointed. I'll probably be ready next year.

This message was edited Aug 30, 2007 6:50 AM

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Joanne you have mail!!! I'd like to join also.


Philomath, OR

Hey Gang! We have 15 confirmed for the Round Robbin! There is still room for up to 5 more people and lots of time to sign up! I will be at the river toninght through Sunday but do have access to a computer. I will check in and update everyone if needed.


Whitestone, NY(Zone 7a)

You have D-mail. I'm aboard if there is still room!

Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)


Prescott, AZ

I guess that is Ann's confirmation !!!

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Pretty new to Hoyas here but would love to play. I think I have enough to be fun


Prescott, AZ

Joanne, I may have a really dumb question here, but how will each person know when to expect the box? I do know you ship a list with the box as to who each person sends it on to, but do you post a list so we KIND OF know when it is going to arrive? And if I have this straight, there are no duplicates hoya cuttings at all, right?

Waterville, VT(Zone 4b)

This should be interesting. If it is limited to 20 people, and it averaged 2 days between people that would be forty days and nights - kind of biblical. If some of the cuttings stayed the same for that period, I would think that they could be in kind of rough shape at the end of the journey. Another question arises: If everyone puts in new cuttings to replace the ones that they took, there should be 20 cuttings at the end. Who gets the box at that point? I guess it has to be the original sender. Also, I would think that the box will have to get changed out somewhere along the way or it would wear out. Anyway, it will be a fun thing to try at least once.

Philomath, OR

All good questions and comments!
Tami, I think everyone should keep track of the box by watching this thread. When I ship off the box Tuesday it will go first to TamiXWP since she is going to be out of town durring the middle of the month. She has promised to put it back in the mail ASAP to meltn as she will also be gone some. After that I have not made any definate plans on were it goes.

I will post the "rules" and the list of participants in the order it will go on MONDAY when I get home.

What I would like to happen is when you get the box, you post on this thread, what you took and who it goes to next. We all want to see what has come out of the box and when to expect our turn to come.

Hoya24, If the original cuttings stay in the box for the entire trip, they could be in rough shape. BUT since I will be the last on the list, I'm ok with that. Also, the cuttings and plants I plan to put in the box are the less common varieties. AND if anyone gets the box and there are BAD cuttings in it, PLEASE take them out. IF you have extras to spare and want to, you can add an extra along the way. I will be putting markroy68 in the middle of the bunch because he as generously offered to replace any sorry looking cuttings.

10 is the magic number. Everyone should be able to choose from at least 10 cuttings. I am starting with at least 15 so if somewhere along the way one or two go bad, that's ok. I will be monitoring this (as I hope all participants are) along the way. I can always send a new box out to meet up with the old box if I have to.

As far as the box getting beat up, YES, that does happen. So when the box gets to you and it's in need of replacing, go ahead and do it.

I think this is going to be a lot of fun and I appreciate all the interest and sugestions.

Take care all and God bless you and yours. -joanne

Philomath, OR

Here is the updated list of our Fall 2007 Hoya Round Robbin!

epiaddict (me)

That's 19 people. Room for 2 more if anyone wants in!


This message was edited Sep 1, 2007 7:40 AM

This message was edited Sep 1, 2007 7:47 AM

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