stink bugs

Norwood, LA(Zone 8a)

Stink bugs are yearly pests that get on our blueberries, tomatoes, and other things. Since, I don't even like to use insecticidal soaps, I'm trying to figure out how to repel them and have read that Mexican marigold and nasturtium are pretty effective at repelling some pests. Tansy, onions, borage, mints--do any of these repellent plants get the little flying bugs go away and stay away?

Dripping Springs, TX(Zone 8b)

if you find out let me know. I used diatomacious earth in my garden to get rid of them in my tomatoes but I hated doing it as I know it kills beneficials also. strong garlic sprays seem to chase them off but they keep coming back. Good Luck.

Norwood, LA(Zone 8a)

When I googled stink bugs, I found several sites that suggested radishes to deter these little but mighty monsters. It's too hot here now to plant radishes and, besides, they grow too low to affect my tall Cherokee Purples--which are still hanging tough. So I'm going to buy radishes and put them in the blender with some orange peel, garlic, maybe some mint, then dilute, bottle, and spray. If it works, I'll patent and make my fortune.

Dripping Springs, TX(Zone 8b)

let me know if it works please. some years this is stink bug heaven.I have at least 3 distinct varieties

Norwood, LA(Zone 8a)

The stink bugs have moved onto my okra now.
Here is a picture of a spider helping me out.

Thumbnail by maypop
mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

beautifully taken photo!

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