red dwarf banana

Houston, TX(Zone 10a)

Hi Ya'll I just received a red dwarf banana, someone told me they are great indoors, however regular old bananas do fine all over this town, so I'm wondering if I could just stick it outside... the red ones have been the only kind I've ever been able to grow, all the 'regular' ones have died on me


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You should be OK, I think most of the bananas are hardy to zone 8 or 9.

By the way, are you sure you're in zone 10? I've never seen anyone else around here from your area who's in zone 10, and I thought the only places in the continental US that hit zone 10 were southern FL and parts of coastal CA. For the bananas you should be fine even if you're really in 9b, but I want to make sure you don't accidentally get something else that's not going to make it through your winters.

Houston, TX(Zone 10a)

yes, I've been told I'm not in zone 10...but judging on my own average of temperatures... I think I'm in a hotter zone, judging by what i've actually been able to grow outside and such...

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

OK, I just wanted to make sure you weren't thinking you were warmer than you really were, but sounds like you've looked into it! I know the zones seem to be shifting somewhat too, I think someone even proposed a new zone map where maybe Houston would officially be zone 10, but then there are always those weird winters that make you wonder!

Houston, TX(Zone 10a)

Yes, well, its actually a lot warmer in the city (all the concrete i think holds the heat)...When we drive for an hour to a more rural area, its a lot either colder or hotter and dryer most of the time... unless we go to galveston

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