red phlox

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

tall red phlox

Thumbnail by shihtzumom
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Very pretty, so nice and full. I love phlox. I just bought the same variety you have from Home Depot. It's call Orange Perfection (even though they look more red than orange).


This message was edited Aug 29, 2007 1:19 PM

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I wanted some orange and can't find it. The tag on this one, from a nursery, was red. But it's redish orange! I think Davidi is still my favorite. He has the best scent anyway. I want to get the candy stripe color, white and pink I think. Guess that's on for next year.

We need water here!!! 14 inches below normal.


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I have David and really like it. It's so easy to care for and it hasn't mildewed on me. I also want the peppermint stripe one. I saw it online somewhere, but I can't remember where I saw it and what it's name is.

I'll have to take a picture of my Orange Perfection; it looks just like your red one.

Here in Chicago this has been our 4th rainiest August on record. Everything has been staying nice and green.


Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

This has been my highest water bill on record!! Post a picture of the orange. The photos in catalogs are really very orange.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi all,

shihtzumom, My last water bill was $158. My next one will be higher. I love that red Phlox. I saw beautiful ones at Kroger's a month ago and now I am mad at myself for not getting one. I do have the David Phlox and a neighbor gave me 3 sprigs last Fall and it is doing well. It is in full bloom today and the second flush of blooms looks as good as the first ones.

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

That is a beautiful David!!!! Mine is dry and tired and won't look like this until next summer. I think our water bill was about $158 - seriously. We're about 14 inches below normal and about 200% humidity. 2 minutes outside and you're clothes are wet.

How's the Kentucky weather?


Both Phlox look wonderful! I have David but it's starting to wane.

Yes, we're in a drought too. And this was the year that we planted about 80 trees, bushes and perennials. Ouch. We've got to keep them watered the first year. The water bill came last week and hubby almost had a heart attack to the tune of $218!!!

I tried to look innocent and cute. It worked. He was understanding and quietly paid the bill. Whew....

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey, that's exactly what my hubby did with our water bill. I just smiled and said "honey, it's my first year with this yard and I have to keep it watered or all these plants will die". DONE!

The expense of plants far outweigh the water bill. There were 2 ornamental pear trees in front (about 15 ft tall), one pussy willow and 1 rose of sharon in the back yard. That's it. Hubby says I probably planted 10,000 plants, he's probably pretty close. I've co-oped my little self to death this year. I hosted 3 or 5 maybe ! Not counting all the buying and car loads of goodies from lunch hour buys...

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi all,

Well now I do not feel so bad--if your water bill was $218. But I will bet your yard and flowers look fabulous!!!! And shihtzumom, I have a beautiful lavender colored Rose of Sharon that is in full bloom right now and you can have it if you want to dig it up. I had them all across the back of my fence and they were beautiful but I felt I needed privacy year round as the houses in our neighborhood are very close together . I had them all dug up 2 years ago and tossed them and planted a row of Arborvitaes. I had one Rose of Sharon come up from seed and it is now behind my shed and no one can see it but my neighbor.

Thumbnail by BettyFB

Our normal water bill may be higher than in other areas. Ya know, the bill includes a charge for the water that runs off our property into the storm drains too! And trash pick up. It's normally 100 to 125.

10,000 plants? I truly can't imagine. I have a tiny city lot. I'd love to have a large yard or acreage (drooling...). But on a practical note, this small yard is about all that we can take care of. Once I get down to weed, sometimes it's not so easy getting up again!

Your arborvitae looks great. That should make a nice hedge.

Red phlox question:
The only phlox that I have is a white David and a red 'Starfire'. I loved the scent of the David but the Starfire wasn't nearly as strong. Is there a red Phlox that is strongly scented like David?

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Velnita, I am going to start a daylily garden right in front of the Arborvitae hedge this Fall, using the Lasagna method. I think I will divide my David Phlox and put that plant right in the center of the bed maybe in front of the angel.

I am going to start the daylily bed out small--just 8 feet wide and add on a little more each year.

That'll be a good combination. Will it be daylilies of a particular color (like red) or a mixture?

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi velnita,

My neighbor cave me the daylilies from her garden a couple of weeks ago and they are already planted on the side of my house and will be moved when I get the lasagna bed going in the Fall. They are all different colors, as I just like to mix them. But the White Phlox will be in the middle as the focal point and that will be pretty.

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

This is a picture of my Orange Perfection. They have a slight frangrance. HD had a whole shipment on sale for $4.99 about a week ago. I'm going back for more (if they still have them).

Thumbnail by shebs45
Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

They are exactly the same. With any luck - my red was incorrectly tagged.


Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


That is gorgeous. I would rush to HD when they open and try to get more!!! I am going to try and get some next spring for sure!! I just love the red ones.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi Kathy,
I wouldn't say yours was incorrectly tagged. They certainly look red, and yours are beautiful no matter what they're called. IMO I think they should be called Red Neon instead of Orange Perfection. They practically glow! From what I've read, with the right conditions they'll be orange. But I wonder if they would actually become a real orangey orange.

Hi Betty,
Your Davids are gorgeous! I have a couple of Davids, but they're only in their second season. It will be a while before mine get to look like yours.

I had to work Labor Day. After work I stopped at a different, nearby HD. They had at least a half dozen different varieties of phlox on sale for $3.99! Mind you, these are in gallon pots; not some bitty pots. I picked up Becky Towe and "Dusterlohe" Nicky (although I don't know the difference between "Dusterlohe" Nicky and plain old Nicky; they had both, and they both looked the same). I'll take some pictures when they fully open. I'm becoming addicted; I think I'll go back for more!

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


I would have loved to have gotten in on that sale for Phlox. I just love them too. I cut one of my Bright Eyes Phlox and put it in a vase and it is so fragrant as is the David. My neighbor gave me 3 sprigs of the David last Fall and I did not expect it to do much the first year but it has really taken off and the second flush of blooms was as pretty as the first. It is tough and vigorous and I have had no problems with mildew so far . My neighbor gave me two more Phlox from her yard a few days ago and I have already planted those. Don't forget to post pictures of your new ones as we will all enjoy them too!!!! For Louisville this year Lowe's has really had great plants--that are as good a quality as the nurseries. I do shop at HD too but they are not as good a quality usually as Lowe's. Here is a picture of one Indian Summer I purchased from Lowes for $2.50.

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Wow, Betty, those are stunning! And for only $2.50!! Now I want some of those. ;-)

Sometimes I feel guilty buying from the "big box" stores instead of a small familty-run nursery; but It's pretty hard to pass up a bargain like that. I know what you mean about the difference in quality between Lowes and HD. But the prices seem to be higher at my Lowes; I haven't caught any sales. I just happen to get lucky at HD with new shipments, so the plants were still in good condition.

I used to have Bright Eyes when I lived at a different place. I really like those too. Post more pictures, please, you have some beautiful collections.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Sharon,

Here is a picture of one of my Bright Eyes.

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Beautiful!!!! That lime green plant in front, is it coleus? And what are those airy white flowers that look like baby's breath amongst the coneflowers? You've done a great job, Betty!

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Sharon,

Yes ,that is coleus and it has done well for me. That is Baby's Breath and it is neat how it grew with the Coneflower and it looks like a flower arrangement. I tell you I cannot wait till next spring, to do it all over again and apply the new ideas I have received through DG and you too. I am so thankful I joined DG. It has been a great summer for me and next year will be even greater.

Hi kathy,

Forgot to thank you for the nice reply too. Our August weather in Ky was the hottest ever recorded. It has been miserably hot and no rain. We are about 9 inches below normal for the year and we will have 2 more days in the 90's and by Saturday the high will be 80 and rain and from there on out I believe the weather will be cool. But one good thing has come out of this extended drought--my 30 roses have no blackspot. I saw about 6 leaves on one rose with blackspot last night but that is all. This has never happened in the past though I had sprayed regularly. This year I sprayed 3 times in late April and early May and then because of the drought and no rain I decided not to spray at all. I guess I made the right decision ,because all the roses are now looking good. And with the cooler weather just around the corner I expect them to bloom pretty well through the Fall.


Presque Isle, MI(Zone 5a)

How do you probligate this type of phlox. Will they grow from seed?



Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi Gary,

I'm certainly no expert, but my understanding is that you can collect seeds. But I'm not sure they will necessarily look like the parent plant. You can also propagate by dividing the rootball or by stem cuttings. I've never done stem cuttings, so I'm not sure how to go about that. Maybe someone else can offer advice.

Off the subject, but I notice you live in Presque Isle. I work for an off-track betting parlor (horse racing) and one of the tracks we've started to simulcast is Presque Isle Downs. What a coincidence! However, no one is sure how to pronouce it. Is it pronounced like "Presk" or "Presky" or "Preska", or something else? Where in Michigan are you located?


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Gary, even a small tall phlox plant will increase fairly fast. You can dig small pieces from around the parent plant probably the second year and within a year you'll have a nice blooming sized plant. Just make sure you get a nice chunk of roots.

In three years or so when the original plant gets pretty large, you can dig up the entire clump and divide it.

They do pout like crazy after being dug but just keep them watered and be patient and they'll revive.

This is Robert Poore, which I planted about five or six years ago. I love the color and the fragrance is strong. I have about six plants in my gardens now from the original plant plus I don't know how many I've given away or traded.

It's just starting to bloom in this picture. Normally the flower heads are much fuller than shown here.

Thumbnail by hart
Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


I spent most of today taking cuttings from various flowers in my yard. I am going to root them and grow them under lights in my basement during the winter months. I am going to take cuttings from my David Phlox tomorrow and try to root them too. I have never done it before but here is a link about taking cuttings.

Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

Beautiful phlox everyone. I have just recently purchased my first phlox and it happened to be David. Boy did I get lucky picking that one. It is so beautiful. The plant flowered about a week after I planted it and the smell is so wonderful. I too am looking for more fragrant phlox but a different color. Although I would not mind having a yard full of the David's. I just ordered one from Garden Crossing that is pink and is supposed to be pretty fragrant. It is called Eva Cullum. I was going for a different color but more importantly I wanted a fragrant one. I will plant it somewhere that I can enjoy the fragrance a little more than I can where I planted the David. Had I known what a great scent it had I would have planted it near a pathway or something. Anyway would love to hear people's opinion as to the nicest scented phlox. So far it looks like David is winning but any more suggestions? Much appreciated.


Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


You are right about the fragrance of David Phlox. I took ten cuttings last week and will root them and grow them in my basement under lights through the winter and plant them in my yard in the spring. I love David Phlox. The second flush of blooms for me this year were as full and lovely as the first. I take a few inside to just enjoy the fragrance. It is truly my favorite phlox, and the disease resistance is amazing too!!! And also, I feel that all gardens need some white to bring out the color in the gardens. Here is a picture of my new daylily bed that I made a couple of weeks ago. I transplanted two of my David Phlox from another bed on one day when the temps were high 90's and those tough plants never even went into shock and are still blooming in that new flower bed---amazing.


Thumbnail by BettyFB
Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

What a beautiful garden Betty. And you are so right, the white just brings out the best in all other flower colors. I rarely go with a white flower just because I don't every think about white when all of those other brilliant colors are there for the taking. But then it seems everytime I do buy a white flower it ends up being a big favorite just for the reason you mentioned. I think my David phlox was one of the best purchases I have made in a long time and I want 20 more of them. LOL.


Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


You and I are in agreement about David Phlox. My neighbor gave me three sprigs of hers last Fall and the first year they really took off and I will post a picture of them again.

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi Leslie,
I agree with you about David. I've always liked bright colored flowers and never really considered a white. David was flower of the year in 2002 (I think that's right) so I thought I'd give it a try. I'm so happy I did. Photos don't do it justice.

Hart mentioned a few posts back that Robert Poore is a good one for fragrance and pretty color. I just recently purchased Nicky. I love the color and it also has a nice fragrance. Here is a picture of Nicky.


Thumbnail by shebs45
Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

Oooh Sharon that Nicky is a beauty. And smells good too? You cannot beat that. I just planted another phlox, not sure of the name, but it is supposed to have fragrance. I planted it near my bench so I can smell it when I am sitting. The David I planted in the back of the garden and right now is small so I have to really bend down to smell it (which I do at least twice a day as it is so good). Hopefully they will get bigger and I won't have to bend down so much. I wish I had planted that one a little closer to where I would be in the garden so I could smell it more. Live and learn, right?


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks Leslie. I got Nicky and Becky Towe a couple of weeks ago on sale at Home Depot for $3.99! Here is a picture of Becky Towe. It wasn't quite fully opened when I took this picture. I've noticed that the variegated leaves really light up the garden at night; however, the fragrance is very slight.

Your Davids should grow fairly tall, so you won't have to stoop so low to smell them. I originally planted my David a year ago last spring, and I've already moved them twice since their original planting. You can always move your Davids closer; they seem to withstand transplanting pretty well.


Thumbnail by shebs45

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