
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

When I see pictures of this one for sale the leaves always look more of a tangerine color. I have moved it several times but still haven't been able to achieve that color. Right now it gets early afternoon sun for a few hours. I had it in more sun and it burned. I had it in more shade and it turned more green. Any suggestions?

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Northern, NJ(Zone 6b)

In my limited experience Caramel is seasonally variable in color. When I reviewed my photos of it this past year it varies in the same plant from acidic yellow green to golden to the reddish "tangerine" color you want. I would leave it in the spot you have it for 1 year and note the color changes.
It will be interesting to hear how it fares in different gardens.

Parma, OH(Zone 5b)

I remember the first time I saw Caramel. It was in a nursery location
covered by shade cloth. It seemed to have colors in the brown family
with shades of olive, melon & peachy red. Not good with colors as you
can tell.LOL I had to have it!!!! It pretty much has stayed true to the
colors I first saw. My guess is that the plants will have their best and
truest colors in spring and fall.

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Thanks semp & fleur. Guess I'll have to practice more patience and see what happens as the temps cool down.

Fleur, what kind of sun/shade do you have yours in?

Parma, OH(Zone 5b)

Where it is located it gets morning shade and afternoon sun. Just the opposite
of nominal exposure. I find that most plants adaptable and flexible in their cul-
ture unless exposed to extreme elements. I still think that at least dappled shade
will be required to make them happy. I have some dry shade under a deciduous
tree that I am going to experiment with. Was going to plant Lily of the Valley
until I read how invasive they can be. But oh the fragrance...

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

When we purchased our house they had a large area of Lily of the Valley. Unfortunately it had grown about 10 feet into the lawn. It did take me a while to get rid of it. But if you can find a place to confine it, it is indeed a sweet plant!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

goldfinch, I forgot to "watch" this thread and then had to find it again LOL After seeing your picture I thought mine doesn't look like that - but you know what? I hadn't really looked at 'Caramel' recently but it looks exactly like your plant! I find that with the onset of cooler temperatures in the fall all the Heucheras take on richer colors - so yours will probably once again change color - kind of like a chameleon! LOL

Parma, OH(Zone 5b)

On the subject of plants with variations in color, I had at one time a hybrid tea rose
by the name of 'AbraCadabra'. It was a pretty thing, probably a tri-color if there is
such a thing in the rose world. As the blooms matured from bud to bloom they would
change colors daily. It's hard to explain. Variations in shading all in the same day.
I haven't found it still available although it's still in the AARS registry.

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

That rose sounds very interesting. I have 2 Endless Summer hydrangeas whose flowers range from pale pink to deep pink to lavendar on the same plant at the same time. That too is really pretty.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Gold, here's a pic of my Caramel in March sporting the tangerine color.


Thumbnail by baja220
Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

And here it is May 23 looking like your pic. I'll have to look tomorrow and see what color it is now!! LOL


Thumbnail by baja220
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Debbie, your May picture sure looks like mine did this summer. The weather has been cooling down a bit and now I see that the new leaves on mine are already getting to be the tangerine color. And lately it's been growing like crazy too. They're such interesting plants, aren't they?

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

gold, mine is looking pretty fried right now. :~((( Hope it does OK.

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

I'm sure it will be fine. They're pretty tough. Mine was in too much sun and I moved it a few weeks ago. It's looking much better already.

Parma, OH(Zone 5b)

The great thing about Heuch's is that they are relatively easy to move without them
pouting TOO much. It seems the hotter and sunnier it gets the colors start fading
out. Personally I think the optimum light would be some sun/mostly shade. If only
I could find those conditions. Baja my Caramel is looking more like your May pic
than your March pic. I have about six varieties in different stages of growth that
I need to plant pretty soon. (cold weather will be here b/4 you know it) My problem
is that I BUY first then SITE. If I did it the other way around I wouldn't buy anything
and I like to buy. LOL

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

What??? BUY first then SITE but....but, that would take all the fun out of it :) LOL

Parma, OH(Zone 5b)

Buying first plays right into my ADDICTIVE personality !!!!! Pretty soon I will
have to go to the Casino's to help pay for my "out of hand" gardening
compulsion. Ha

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

But isn't it amazing (buy first!) that we always manage to fit them in somewhere?

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Yes, a spot (buy first) always seems to be found.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Amazing, yes, but how satisfying it is when you do find the spot to squeeze it in :)

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Are you guys saying your supposed to have a spot to fill before buying a plant??!!!! No one ever told me this!! LOL


White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Yeah, isn't that the limit? LOL What you learn on DG ! ....

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Well, I've heard thats what some people do. Usually doesn't work for me!

Liverpool, NY(Zone 5a)

What spot??? Just squeeze em in -- that's the most fun, leave no mulch or no dirt showing. The heucheras, hostas, and the like make a beautiful blanket of color -- the more the merrier and the more colorful the become.

It's a sickness, like potato chips. Our season is just too short not to indulge. Then its 6 months of waiting for the next new intros. Fun, tho'.

Enjoy everyone, BUY first, site later.

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

"It's a sickness, like potato chips". LOLOLOL

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm so glad that my 'see it, want it, buy it' personality is not an abberation! My poor DH keeps digging new places to site my impulse buys. He knows that he may as well dig a biiiiggg patch since something else will soon follow!

Liverpool, NY(Zone 5a)

I'd be better off eating chips, lots cheaper and taste good besides. So I do both, eat and buy, buy and eat. It's a wonderful thing. Has anyone tried the heuchera Licorice????

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

For snack or for planting? ;->

Liverpool, NY(Zone 5a)

I hope for planting, although Licorice is good for eating too. I saw it on EBay, and then looked at it on Proven Winners, looks interesting. So I bought it, of course from EBay.
Some good sites there for heuchera, clematis and hosta. I never give up.

Just wondered if anyone had Licorice in their collection.

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

I have Licorice (not the snack, lol!) and it's been a real good performer this year. I bought it as Dolce Licorice, but I understand it is the same plant. The flowers are so-so but the foliage is dark, dark, shiny and lovely. I have mine in part shade, but I think others have said that it stands up well to quite a bit of sun. I think you made a good choice there.


Liverpool, NY(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the post. I ordered on ebay ): I found two sites with great deals on heucheras and clematis with good ratings. So I am trying it. It is Dolce Licorice. I like the leaves better than the flowers on most. Rave is outstanding for floral display. Still want French Quarter. Time for Potato Chips.

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

I agree with you both on the Potato Chips and that Rave On is an awesome flower display!


Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

I've been drooling at your 'Caramel' since you first posted that photo! Is it changing color with the weather for you?
I finally gave in and bought my own "Caramel' ~ here it is nestled between 'Marmalade' and 'Mocha' ~ YUM!
Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

Thumbnail by marea
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Hi Marea,

Yes, with the cooler weather it's getting apricot colored leaves. I'll try to post an updated picture of it one of these days.

Your trio looks very nice together. And the names certainly do sound edible!

Thornton, IL

I was sooo tempted by Mocha this year, but I resisted! Living vicariously...

I have a beautiful new (for me) foamflower, Crow Feather. Its leaves are changing to a warm gold, still with a prominent mark. I only have three, one looking nice in a container still, the rest just waiting to be planted.

Can lily-of-the-valley take the dry soil under trees? My shade garden is at the edge of the shade cast by a Crimson King Norway maple, and I need something to go with the Lady ferns and rocks at the edges.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

PrairieGirl, glad I could give ya another view of Caramel, then. *grin*
I'm sure that lily of the valley can take those conditions. Hidden under tree branches is where I first discovered them as a child & I somehow regularly neglect mine so that they grow in a dry brick in total shade and they just keep on, like all is right in the world, and flower every year.

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