Blooming at the holidays

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I purchased 6 amaryllis at the end of Christmas last year. They all bloomed and have been outside all summer in a semi-shaded spot.
How do you get them to bloom during the holidays again?


Leave them out until it starts to get cold. Then bring them in and start watering again about three week before you want them to bloom. Only a little water at first until you see them starting to sprout again. If you don't care when they bloom, just that they bloom, bring them inside and treat as houseplants. I think it's better to go that route, and just buy more bulbs around the holidays if you want holiday blooms.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

If I bring them in as house plants just water and give them sun. Then they will bloom again on their own? I don't really care when they bloom. They bloomed after I brought them home after Christmas and they have beautiful leaves right now.


Yes. They will bloom when ready, and more often, in my experience when treated as houseplants in winter and placed outdoors in summer.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Thank you for your help. I probably need to find some better looking pots and get them repotted.
Thanks again

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