Fall planting for Astilbe

Tulsa, OK

I've decided my shade garden could use a few Astilbes. I've sourced several places online, and I notice I can get bare root plants for a few dollars cheaper than potted ones. My question is, does that make a difference? I'm hoping to have blooms next year, which is why I'm not planting from seed. But will a bare root plant produce next season?

Also, do you plant these close together for greater impact, or is it better to have them spread throughout? I'm planning to use them as something of a backdrop in my 40' shade bed that runs along the fence.

Spring, TX(Zone 9b)

When can we do that in Houston?

Oakton, VA(Zone 7a)

My personal preference is to mass them. I planted them about 18 inches apart. They've been in the ground 4 years so I'm thinking about dividing them next year.

Tulsa, OK

Sdagutis, do they take up that whole 18 inches, forming a wall of sorts? And do they have more than one flower spike on each plant? I can't tell from any of the pictures I've seen.

Orangeville, ON(Zone 5a)

this might help you
this is about 5 plants massed together

Thumbnail by sammigirl
Orangeville, ON(Zone 5a)

and here are another 5
(I always try to plant 3,5,7 9 etc in a bunch)

Thumbnail by sammigirl
Tulsa, OK

Those are beautiful. I especially love the 'pop' you get with the yellow ones.

Do you plant from seed or buy plants?

Orangeville, ON(Zone 5a)

The pink ones at the front are the Astilbe
the yellow flowers are yellow loosestrife
and I only use plants
If I were you I would spend the extra to get potted plants to start with.Once you get them started then every few years you can split them and you'll have oodles.

Victoria Harbour, ON

How right you are Judy...my Aunt gave me a huge plant about 2 years ago that I split into about 4, they are breathtaking in their glory this year...from the same area as the first she gave me, it grew once again to about 3 ft. in width..so, again this year I've many plants...can't wait for next..it's the plant that just keeps giving...and mine next spring will be ready to be split...

Orangeville, ON(Zone 5a)

Hi Betty
where is Victoria Harbour ?
is it near Port Severn/ Midland/ Barrie ?

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

astilbe vary in size. I have one that forms a 4 foot clump, others are only about a foot (same age). I think the big one needs to be divided but it's so breathtaking as is! The bareroot plants will probably flower next year if they like their location but you may only get one or two flower spikes per plant. As they mature they will have several spikes per plant.

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