New Southern Maine Daylily and Hosta Club

Poland, ME

I just wanted to mention to any of you in Maine or New Hampshire, that a friend of mine and me have begun a new regional daylily and hosta group. We have just become acknowledged by both of the the AHS's. Our first meeting will be September 15 at which we will be setting up bylaws and electing the first year official and outlining our mission statement. We will be meeting at Southern Maine Community College in South Portland. This is a non-profit group! We are currently lining up a guest speaker for October or November (still in planning stages).
Pat and I have already started a display garden at the community college and have more than 70 cultivars planted and growing. All of which have been donated by local people. One our goals is to have permanent labels made and then there is the care and upkeep of the garden.
But getting together with people who grow and love daylilies and hosta is great fun. So D-mail me if you are interested!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Congratulations and good luck!!

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