The manure situation

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't understand if cow and chicken manure, etc is good, why can't you use can poop.
Is it because of what they eat?

Greensboro, AL

I don't know what can poop is, but some very smart people would say you can use any poop what-so-ever. In some countries, human waste is used to fertilize fields. But, the idea of any poop what-so-ever in the compost heap is that what ever is in there will be neutralized by the composting process.

My personal preference is that I just use rabbit poop in my compost, or in my lasagna beds. My rabbit is a vegetarian, like me. I just don't like the idea of dog or cat poop growing my vegetables. That is probably an irrational prejudice, there is no scientific basis for it.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Gloria
I guess I hit the wrong key and wrote can instead of cat, but you did answer my question. I guess you are right about not wanting to use it for veggies, but what about flowers?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sometimes a neighbor's cat will fertilize your flowers for free!!!
Seriously, even cow manure can be bad (think E coli) if one used it really fresh. on fresh veg unwashed.

Greensboro, AL

I guess that's what happened to the packaged spinach that made so many people sick a few years ago. (Last year?). Pig feces had contaminated the irrigation ditches.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks, I hadn't heard the final outcome on that incident.
I think cat and dog manure is discouraged for health reasons because of the diseases that might be carried. Any manure will eventually be broken down and become part of the soil. Otherwise we'd all be hip deep in it ~~~~~~~at least

Greensboro, AL

Here is a thread in this forum about using cat, dog, & human poop in compost:

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Yeah, "humanure" is used in this country, if you use milorganite (is that how it's spelled?) fertilizer. I believe it's all part of the chain, but that might be too close of a link for some! There will come a time, however...

I do not draw a line between cat and horse manure in my compost - I think most of my cats eat like vegetarians anyway with the corn and carp they put in dry food - the point being I believe it's the meat products that draw the most bacteria, (or at least the most critics,) of what is used in compost.

Currently, none of my compost is used in food gardens. When I do use it in vegetable growing, I'll use more than one pile & keep the one with animal waste separate.... and I'll never use it fresh, only heat composted.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank all of you. I wish every gardener had this brain bank. I've gotten so many questions answered.If I put the cat poop poop: you can tell I have grandkids, I talk like I talk to them} somewhere it could dry out before I put it in the compost, would that work

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

maybe it can be thought of like this- when the poo is outside of the animal, at some point the microbes that could live in the animals gut can't compete in the world so they die off and other normal soil bacteria take over. The question is when exactly will that happen in any given situation. That's where your judgement comes in and your willingness to deal with poo in various stages of decomposition. Many people are not willing to deal with any poo and that's why we have flush toilets
: ^)

Greensboro, AL

Its the heat of the composting process that neutralizes the dog or cat or human poop. If you dry it out, it will be harder to compost, because the compost needs moisture, + air to work.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Good point - so basically, you'll be re-wetting it to get it to work.

Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)

I have a question regarding dog poop vs. horse/cow poop. I keep reading that dog poop is bad because of certain diseases dogs carry. However, Southern States, Omaha Vaccines, etc. all sell wormers for horse, cows, etc? I am confused! ! ! !

Greensboro, AL

The vaccines are available, but they don't always get all the parasites or diseases. And, people don't always use them.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Dogs being meat eaters- I think that makes other bad bugs possible, not just worms.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

That 's my understanding, also.

Greensboro, AL

Cows, horses, rabbits, and llamas are vegetarians.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

You know, I just can't imagine my precious kittens having any germs at all. Surely their poop is perfect, as they are. Ha Ha

Ok, so long story short, if I'm using it in flower beds it will be ok maybe, but not veggies and things. Right

Greensboro, AL

Dogs eat cat poop.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Of course your cat poop is perfect. Just like your grandchildren's is.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Gloria, but that's more than I want to know. ha ha I know they eat their own.

Hate to break it to ya Pagancat, but my grandkids poop stinks!!!! Of course in all other ways they are more than perfect. Especially the twins, when they are both running in two different directions headed to the road, with me behind them saying Stop Stop as they turn and grin at me.

Richmond, VA

Just say NO to poop... ha ha

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