Salvia Eigii.

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

This salvia is from the middle east and this is the first time that I have seen its flowers, it is really pretty.

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Flowers Side View.

Thumbnail by annette68

What a nice shade of pink!


Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

It is really pretty Joseph, in real life, very happy with it, huge leaves as well...........

Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

How on earth do you get these fantastic plants Annette? Middle east, Africa. I am clueless as to how one gets plants from different places like that.

By the way, another beauty. I know I would never find a plant like that here.


Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Leslie again,

Seed is the best way to try all salvias, they seem to be stronger when started from seed.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

It's also a lot easier to get seeds from all over the world rather than plants, importing seeds is a lot easier (not to mention cheaper!)

Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

Cool. Will have to try from seed. I have not tried that and did not know they made a stronger plant. Thanks for that great information. I understand the cheaper part. LOL.


Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

I will let you know if my eigii sets any.........

Did you see that this beauty of a plant set seeds for you, Annette?

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

ummmmmm not yet, but I am sure that it may this year, salvias are indeed strange that one year it will set a ton of seeds and the next it wont set any, no rhyme or reason for this, will wait and see what Spring brings:)

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