Warnings: about clumping litter ... serious health hazards

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Warnings about clumping litter. This notice is displayed at a large Veterinarian Clinic
I go to. ( worded as best as I remember)

If your litter boxes are covered remove the covers.

Most cats are fastidious and do not care for the environment in kitty poo caves anyway ;-)

NEVER cover these boxes as your fur kids should NOT breathe in the dust as it will stay in their lungs .
(Nasty stuff)

Use caution while changing litter that YOU do not inhale the dust either.

Keep the litter dry so it does not stick to kitties paws and get licked off.

Also NEVER feed near the clumping litter spills where kitty may ingest some by accident.

This builds up in their intestines and can cause an excruciating death as it forms a large impassable mass.

My vet said he recently had to humanly PTS a poor kitty that was bleeding internally from a ruptured gut caused by this type of mass.

Warm Regards,

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