Flower Clubs

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

What is this week's theme??? Are we doing broke and can't afford to buy flowers?

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Sorry terri. . . .

More like no time than no money. The hardest part is taking a pic. I don't have an established set up for it. . .and Peyton loves to get in the way.

london England, United Kingdom

I know what you mean Karma. I don't have somewhere set up, it's a pain getting everything out! I usually do a few arrangements in one go while I have it set up.
My greenhouse is getting too told to stay in there for too long these days!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

I've finally come up with an idea for fireworks! Just need time now.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Okay my idea is not working out because I don't have the heart to cut them. . .

london England, United Kingdom

What are they?

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

You're gonna laugh when I tell you they are the flowering part on my ornamental grass. It sort of sprays out like fireworks. If I cut them, the grass won't look as interesting.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

They are perfect for fireworks! snip....snip..... will the grass survive the winter? At my local florists they sell the grass
seed heads for £1.50 each.. not cheap!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Okay, sometime this week, Terri. I will say "promise" so I don't try to back out of it again. Thanks.

london England, United Kingdom

promise promises!!!

Hello Flower Ladies, Welcome back to the new year at the flower club .
Any suggestions for our weekly themes would be appreciated.!
Our first meeting of the year will be on Wednesday next week.

To start us off the theme will be 'an arrangement with 7 flowers and foliage'

I look forward to seeing your creations and hope you can make it

(new member's are always welcome)!!!!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I may be late. Have Teensy.

london England, United Kingdom

ok, we are quite layed back at this club! it's cool.!!!!!!!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Is that 7 different kinds of flowers and foliage or 7 flowers and foliage in any combination?

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

OMG, I completely forgot. That is sad. . .breaking promises. Sorry to let you down Terri.

New year resolution. . .either stop making promises or follow through with them. I promise.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Adele, 7 flowers and foliage is the title of the theme, the rest is your own interpretation!! no advice offered, you're on your own!!!!!!!! Everyone comes up with something completely different, thats the idea!
Hope you can join in the fun.

Karma, Chillax! it's cool.......................

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. If you would be so kind as to take your seats, dinner will be served shortly. I hope you enoy your evening and will now turn you over to your hostes s for tonights judging. : )

Tonight's menu.

Shrimp fried rice with soy sauce/sweet and sour sauce and fortune cookies. ( can't imagine how this menu popped into my head. ; ) )

This message was edited Jan 9, 2008 4:12 PM

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

main entree

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

yes, feel free to take the centerpieces home with you. : )

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Applause,applause! Beautiful! I love it, And funny too:)

london England, United Kingdom

Bravo! applause! Hey Star, this is a real treat! We haven't had such fancy food at this club before!
What a lovely arrangement of goodies, and so beautifully presented, very fuuny too!
I'm starving, so hope you don't mind if I have a fortune cookie to keep me going!
The centrepiece is really pretty, looks like it's sitting on angel wings. Thankyou very much, you are so thoughtful.

I'm going to set the long table out and put the tablecloth on, ready for the arrangements to be displayed later.
We also have a stall selling floristry equipment, potted plants, ribbon's ,containers, magazines and all that.
If anyone would like to donate to our stall, please bring your items in!

I've set the chairs out, everything is prepared, better go and make my arrangement!!!
See you back here later.....

london England, United Kingdom

Hello to everyone!
Sorry I'm late, I'm having trouble with my camera tonight, still trying to fix the problem.
If anyone has had time to make an arrangement, please bring it in!

london England, United Kingdom

7 flowers and foliage, leaving mine on the table!

materials used, wicker basket, floral foam , wire, sticks, peacock feather's, rose leaves, conifer, 7 orange roses.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Terri, Beautiful! So creative,it's calming and bright at the same time. How do you know how to do these things?

I'm going to be late with my 7 flowers and foliage. I bought pretty pink and purple roses a few days ago already. The petals are falling off already.:(

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Adele,
I'm glad you like it, Thankyou for your kind comments. I saw something like it in a flower magazine, and made my own version of it! I liked your contemporary christmas basket, so I used one like it for this arrangement.
It's ok to be late! we are not one of those strict flower clubs!! Looking forward to seeing your's when it's ready.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

LOVE the food menu. Very creative and darling to boot. I have been trying to figure out what I could do with the Chinese take out boxes.

Terri, fantastic!! It is going to be very hard to beat. Here's a suggestion. Why don't we allow entries to run through the weekend. This will allow players extra time if they are working. Let me know what you all think.

london England, United Kingdom

Good idea Traci, Thankyou!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Star, that is so creative! I see takeout in a whole new light. I also see a floral designer guru in the making.

Terri, another awesome job! I especially love the horizontal stick with the leaves hanging. Where's your trophy? I know you won.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma,
Where's yours?!!!!!! We need your elegant arrangement.!
I seem to be going through a horizontal phase! it's quite difficult, but I like a challange.

Actually dear friend, there was no flower club this month, we don't start arranging until March!
So I didn't win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and when we go back, I will be at intermediate level! (not trying to show off!)
Only the novice section can win the trophy. This encourages the novices to try harder and move up. Intermediates collect points and have to earn 35 points over the year to move up to seniors. then it is advanced seniors (like Jenny) our chairwoman.

Here in our own cyber flower club, we can do what we like!!! weekly or monthly meetings are fine by me.
If we have a weekly meeting, this would give everyone a chance to choose the theme.
What does everyone else think?

Looking forward to seeing more 7 flower and foliage arrangements!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi All,
I think we should have weekly meetings. They would keep us informed and motivated. I'm going to work on the 7 flowers and foliage either today or tomorrow. It was a very busy week for me.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Adele,
Ok, you can choose next weeks theme, after this one. Something to think about, remembering the theme is always very simple, and open to many interpretations.
Thanks for your enthusiasm and support.

Eddited to say, it is understood that not everyone will have time to make it to the club every week, and that's ok, join in whenever you can!
Please may we have the new theme by Monday, which gives us time to prepare. Thanks!

This message was edited Jan 11, 2008 1:26 PM

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

I did it!!! Here's my 7 flowers and foliage display. It will look different in the morning. It actually looks different now(10 minutes after picture was taken.) because I change the color of some test tubes.

Hey Terri, It would be my pleasure to pick next week's theme. Next theme is fruit and flowers. I'll announce it again on Monday:)

Thumbnail by diggerette
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Here it is in the morning

Thumbnail by diggerette
london England, United Kingdom

WHOO HOO! Adele, fabulous idea to incorporate your experiments into the theme. It really is working!
Thankyou for joining in with this weeks theme, a very unique design, Well done.!
Thanks for next weeks theme, I'm looking forward to it.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks Terri:) I lighten the color of the water so it looks more balanced. The flowers are still changing colors!

london England, United Kingdom

Adele, did you dilute the food colouring?

Love the red and yellow 'fence'!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Love the arrangements. Ya always see arrangemnts in triangles or s's or something like that, ya don't often see ones that go sideways. I like the ideas. : )

fruit and Flowers. Hummmmmm gonna be a brain challenging one for sure.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Star! Thank you. I'm looking forward to seeing your arrangement.

HiTerri, Yes, I diluted the colors and it looks so much better.

london England, United Kingdom

Adele..............it's Monday! I wonder how many will raid the fruit bowl this week?!!!!!!!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Oh BoyTerri, thanks for reminding me.
Hurray! It's Monday, time for our new theme of the week.

This week our theme will be "Fruits and Flowers". Come on everyone! Let's have fun with it.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Okay, Adele. Here's an arrangement of fruits and flowers I used in a wedding 2 years ago. I'm going to cheat and use old pictures if you don't mind.

Thumbnail by karmaplace

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