Flower Clubs

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Oops, forgot to tell you terri how much I'm looking forward to yours. You know how I love Zen. Now get some sleep gf!

Hubbard, OH

Thanks all. Tell you tomorrow...

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Next month for our flower club meeting seems so far away....

london England, United Kingdom

Only 3 weeks now Karma! Parallel lines.

We can do weekly themes too!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Only 2 weeks from now....

I didn't know where to put this, but since we were on the subject of woods, I just wanted to say how much I like curly willow. In the past I've used fresh willow, and although I've seen it root in my vase of flowers, it never occurred to me to plant it. Well, I did this time and it is now sitting in a pot of soil. I kept it in a shaded area and am watering it. Is this the right thing to do and is there anything else that needs to be done?

Thumbnail by karmaplace
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Tomorrow Oct. 3 will be the first Wednesday of this month.....time for our monthly flower club meeting. Although our host Terri is away, we still should bring in this month's floral theme arrangements.....parallels. Anyone? Hope Terri will check in on us tomorrow.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Karma, can't wait to see what you come up with. I am sure this will be right up your alley. I could make a cross out of two sticks, but that is about it!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Traci....lol!!! A cross out of two sticks does not count as a parallel! Now two sticks side by side....that's a parallel. But please show us your 2 sticks anyway you wish. Beggars can't be choosers...

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Crap, I went perpendicular on you. I will find sticks and do...something? This should be very interesting!!

What are you doing up so early and where did Terri go???

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Pupil, find sticks, flowers, rocks....anything! No one's around....do something fun, funny, crazy, ROFL crazy!

I was on my way out...usually at work for 5am, but had to come in for 4:30. Terri....her pc had crashed...lost her pics...not sure where she is, but apparently not in cyberspace.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Well, being close to halloween, I may be able to come with something clever. I won't be able to do anything until next Monday or Tuesday, as I have to travel today and tomorrow and then we are going to the Round Up in Tupelo to meet other DGers. I can't wait!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Have a safe trip...and have loads of fun!

I'm on a tight budget, so this is some really traditional flowers from the grocery store. I didn't mean to buy these mums either. I thought they were the spider mums. Each flower was in its own sleeve...couldn't tell. Sorry so boring....I think tropical flowers would make better parallels. Anyway, here's mine....now bring in yours!

Thumbnail by karmaplace
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Karma, I think it looks fantastic. You bought the orange flowers (Lilies?) at the grocery store? Ours definitely doesn't have anything like that. I might need to try another one. ;^)

london England, United Kingdom

Beautiful, vibrant colours and lovely paralell arrangement, well done karma and thanks for taking part .
When my pc is working I will show you what I did.I made three lines and used, orange gerberas, purple statice, red carnations, white roses, aspidistra leaves and bear grass. I won the trophy for the month!
Next month the theme is FIREWORKS.
I had a lucky night, I also won one of the raffle prizes which was an arrangement made by the demonstrator!!
I hope to be back in cyberspace soon Karma! at least I will have a few to show you when I eventually get my pc back and working normally. Keep up your good work and enthusiasm won't you ladies? bye for now. Terri

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Traci...I bought them at Winn-dixie...they don't always carry the orange. It was screaming for me to pick them up. Do y'all have a whole foods? They have the coolest flowers. I saw tiny pumpkins on a stick last week....have no idea what they're called. I should buy my flowers at the flower shop to support the floral business, but the grocery store is just more convenient...not to mention cheaper.

Finaaaaaaaaaaaaly, she shows up! We've missed you, Terri, hope you don't mind we carried on here without your presence. Your arrangement sounds awesome...can't wait to see it. Congratulations on your award! And I can't wait to see it! Will you show us your prize arrangement as well....I'd love to see what the demonstrator did.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi all, I've missed you! So glad you have been carrying on with the flower club idea Karma, now I can show you my
paralell line,

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

This one shows the base

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

It was nice to win the monthly trophy!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Cool Terri! Love the hot orange on the gerbers. Thanks for showing the base, great idea! Congrats on the trophy. . .you deserved it.

london England, United Kingdom

Thankyou Karma, you are very kind seeing as you weren't there to see the others!!
Here's the trophy, I have to take it back next month.

I haven't got a picture of the prize I won, but I will redo it myself to show you what it was like, when I get some orange gladioli which is what it had in it.

Are you going to do the 'Fireworks' theme?
that will be the last one for this year, in December they do gift wrapping. We wrap gifts and they are given to old people's homes. I have a feeling you will be good at gift wrapping, we can have some fun with our christmas presents.

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Nice trophy. I'm confident yours was the best.

I'm going to be pretty busy for the next few months, but I will try to do something for the fireworks theme. Gift wrapping will be a lot of fun, esp. when it's for charity. That's a very nice thing to do.

I have lots of paper I bought after Christmas, but didn't stock up on ribbon. Guess I will have to stock up after this Christmas. My favorite thing is recycled brown paper and raffia with some pine cones and berries.

london England, United Kingdom

I like the sound of your raffia, pinecones and berries, very natural. I bet that would look lovely, so much christmas stuff
is ott with glitter and tinsel!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Congrats Terri. Very cool design. I love the base. Hate you have to send the trophy back.

I love using the brown paper and raffia. I have glued pearls and rhinesones on it, either as designs or random. Cut out mag pics with a theme for the wrapping, like old perfume bottles or old cars for different family members, but that takes a while. I also have different stamps, mostly abstract and stamp it with gold ink. I sometimes tie a silver dollar with the the raffia and write on the back for the tag. A gold or silver paint pen works good. There are so many things you can do with it. It even looks good with nothing added. I love the berries and pine cones. Oh, when I finally have flowers, I will try to dry and glue them on. Fern leaves or a big poinsettia or fern leaves with a poinsettia. Ok must stop. I will start buying gifts just to wrap.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Traci, you're my kind of gal with gift wrapping. Not everyone appreciates a well wrapped present. Don't over do it though. . . giftwrapping shouldn't cost more than the gift itself lol.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I can't help it. It is one of the very few crafty things I can do. I am so sad when I spend so much time on them and then they are ripped about. I tell myself every year, don't do it, but I can't help it.

london England, United Kingdom

Well it sounds like you two are great at gift wrapping, good , I look forward to getting some tips here!
Traci are you going to have a go at the parallel line theme? please!!

I know what you mean about taking the trophy back, well ,one can't be greedy and I have won it 4 times this year,so I can't complain!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

If you have won it four times, than it should definitely be yours to keep. Is it given out once a month? Has anyone else won four times? Be greedy girlfriend.

I have a little extra time on my hands since I resigned, but on the flip side, money is tight. I will see what I can do. It may be those sticks I was talking about earlier. Plenty of them. If the darn Spider lilies would come back up, the definitely could be used. I have now dug out 200 in about a 5 sf area. I know there must be thousands in there. We are actually suppose to get several days of rain next week, thank goodness, and maybe something in the yard will pop up. I know the camillas are about to bloom.

london England, United Kingdom

It's a great idea to use sticks and foliage , anything you can find around the garden would be great. This is a relaxed
flower club and I don't think you need to go and buy expensive flower's to try out ideas.

The arrangement that I won in the raffle was made with sticks, some were split, which gave more interest,and she used
the seed heads of crocosmia,and other 'dead' matter!!! mixed with some fresh foliage, it looked good.

more time on your hands huh? no excuses then, haha!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Did you read the post earlier when I told Karma I would make a stick cross. She was kind enough to point out that was not parallel lines. I am going to definitely keep working on this, as I do have fun. I still have got to get some floral foam. I have even watched a little 10 part ideas on arrangements from Better homes and Gardens. I Love some they did there.

I will see what I can come up with next week. I am going out of town this weekend, where another DGer is kind enough to give me 8 to 10 full size Brugs. I can't wait!!

I can't believe Karma hasn't show up. She has been dying for you to get back. I had the pleasure of speaking with her and she has to be one of the sweetest people I have talked with from DG. Although she does get those digs in every once in a while. lol.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Traci, are you sure it was a pleasure talking to me? Remember I hardly got a word in? j/k Now, I didn't wanna call you out on the arrangement, Traci. But since Terri's back, we'll just have to tag team you. No more puttin' it off after this weekend. Come back with all your brugs, lucky girl, and be ready to work them sticks.

Terri, I have not been dying for you to get back, just withering away a little. :)

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

OOOHH, she got some gusto!! You go Karma.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Learned from the best. Quick too huh?

london England, United Kingdom

now, now, girls, I'm back !

We are looking forward to Traci's parallel lines ...............................

we can think about other themes , maybe something very simple WEEKLY?

Here's another joke!

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)


New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Traci, what are you doing with all the spider lily bulbs? If you're going to throw them out, let me know. . .I'd like a few. If you're replanting them elsewhere, I'd still like a few. . .LOL. Trade you for a christmas ornament?

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

No ornament needed, Darling. Are you in the Addy? If not, D-mail me and I would be glad to send some to you!!

As much as I would love to following the marching orders, it looks like it will be the middle of the week before I am able to do any parallels. We filled up the extended size PU and I must take care of the cuttings, trees, plants, etc. first. After that, I will do my best to make the (possibily worst ever seen) parallel line arragement.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Where is this addy exchange? I'd like to send you postage. Ok, you're off the hook until all your new stuff is planted.

london England, United Kingdom

no pressure dear Traci!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Karma, D-mailing you, but the address exchange is on you home page. Look up towards the middle of the screen and you will see where it says extras. Click here and you can add your address.

Thanks Terri, but somehow I doubt you two will sit and wait patiently for me to do this. I imagine I have bought myself a week at the most.

(((to all)))

london England, United Kingdom

ok Traci, you're not in the office now, here you can take your time and we can carry on making more parallels to keep you company!

There is no DEADLINE at this club haha!

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