About collecting seeds...

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

I have promised to collect some seeds from my gentian. Well the blooms are fading and there is a half inch long thin green pod I guess you would call it. Resembles the seed pod of hardy geraniums if that is any help. There doesn't seem to be anything inside really or if there is it is like fine powder, is this the seed? My question is should these be picked green or wait until they are brown and dry. I'm afraid if I wait there won't be anything there to pick. This plant has never re-seeded on its own, could it be sterile and not produce any seed? I looked on line and all I found was that fresh seeds are best and they are really tiny. Does anyone know about these? Maybe I will take some of both just to be sure. What do you think?

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

Okay did some more research and found this info. http://www.robsplants.com/plants/GentiSepte.php#seeddetails It says to wait for the pods to turn brown. Also says there may not be any seed from a single plant. I will try to wait for the pods to turn brown and see if any seeds develop. The one that already has dried up was a light color tan and like tissue paper with nothing inside.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

That's a great link, ngam. I, too, have a whole lot of trouble identifying the various seeds and seed pods. I think I'll give that link a try.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, thanks for the link, ngam! I found out all about the hardy geranium seeds that I "seed snatched" while camping :-)

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

that is a great link.......ngam that gentian is beautiful!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I bought seed for 3 kinds of gentian and haven't had any success starting from seed. I tried wintersowing. I think I will try starting inside this year. good luck with catching your seeds.

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