The best fungicide for Adenium Obesum

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Does anybody know what the best fungicide for adenium obesum? I used to live in Indonesia and have many adenium obesum collection, but I moved to the U.S about 6 month ago (zone 7b) and I'm worried that my adenium will have problem with fungi in the winter that will cause the root to rot. I used to use some kind of yellowish powder fungicide in Indonesia, it smell likes sulfur, I don't know the name though and I'm sure I can't find it here. Does anybody have any suggestion ?
Thank you so much.

Thumbnail by seraphine
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Seraphine and welcome!
Your adenium are beautiful! I don't know what the powder you used to buy is, but I used to be able to buy soil sulfur when I lived on the mainland....I believe it was sold at Home Depot...
I think Shari grows these plants, and she may have an answer for you....

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hello Seraphine, what a beautiful name! Welcome to our forum, I'm sorry it took so long for me to see your post.

Yes, I have quite a few of these beautiful plants, but I have never had a problem with fungus - and we have a very wet rainy season. I don't know how cold your winters are - that would be more of a concern than rain. Do you have a garage or green house that you can overwinter them in? If not, I would mulch really well, but keep it away from the main stem, and hope for the best. Mine are huge, so I'm sure that is a protection for them...lots of strength...your's look smaller - I would try to keep them warm.

Hope you stick around - this is a great bunch of folks!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Thank you so much all of you. I will definitely put them in the garage or house in the winter. I did have problem with fungus in Indonesia and cause the caudex and root rot because it is so humid there. Hopefully I won't have the same problem here in the winter. I think I've found the fungicide that I need in the internet, made of sulfur. I think it is bonide sulfur fungicide. How long have you have your adenium Shari? I have many of them but most of them are small grafted plants with different flower color & type. I just love their flowers, especially when they are in the full bloom. :):)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

All of mine are several years old...many well over a decade. In the largest posts available... I live in an extremely humid area, but have never seen the rot you speak of, so apparently mine have adapted to the environment. Glad you found what you were looking for, and best of luck with them. They are fun, beautiful plants.

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Nice AOs Shari...very lovely!!! Do you grow yours outside????

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Most definately! The smallest one I have is about 3-4 ft high. But its the spread that keeps them in their respective places in the garden....these beauties have a breadth of 6 or more feet! Can't move them easily....they are huge! The light pink one in the photo is the only one I have of that color and I love it...Over 5ft. high! Mostly they line the outside of my fence, and since I'm on a corner they get a lot of admirers. One woman told me that she passes my place on her way to work, and the blooms always give her a smile first thing in the morning. That nice comment made my day.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hmmmm - Someone just gave me an AO...Guess I could grow it outdoors. I thought we got too much rain!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I've noticed that with a lot of rain, and I mean daily!, they don't bloom as much, and get quite leggy (more "branchy" i spose), but it doesn't take much for them to dry out and bloom again. Occasionally a branch will get a funny spongy feel to it, and I just cut that off - in about a week I've got new growth at that spot. I have seen some that get cut down practically to the caudex, and then the start sprouting branches all over the place. I would just put it in a real sunny spot, and let it do its lovely thing.

Brandon, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi to everyone,
I live in Florida and it doesn't get much more humid than it is here. I have a dark pink one that is at least 6 years old. I do notice a little fungus sometimes but it doesn't seem to hurt the plant or stunt the blooms. It is one of my favorites plants, I find it very slow growing and I do protect it if the temp drops below 36 degrees. I just bring it inside.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Susan - thanks for mentioning that, hopefully it will put Seraphine's mind to rest about the fungus. Never having seen it, I couldn't be much help. Welcome!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Thank you so much for all the information. Hopefully I won't have any problem with this plant in the winter. I'll soon get some newest hybrid of this plant that I bought in Indonesia with some amazing flower color and patterns. I'll even get a yellow one !!! I'm so excited about getting the rare yellow one because most people said that it is impossible for adenium to have yellow flowers so I really can't wait for them to arrive :)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Seraphine - pretty please be sure to post a picture of the yellow one! I would love to see it. I have the only alternate color (my pale pink one) on the island, and I have never even seen a yellow one! Good luck with them all.

Brandon, FL(Zone 9a)

Yellow????????????? I've got to see that one!
Please post a pic.
I've seen some very deep red hybrids here on some a lady at the farmers market grows like "bonsai"

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi Susan, I've started a new thread for the pictures of some new amazing adenium hybrids. I really can't wait until they arrive !!! There is even one with double petals.

Brandon, FL(Zone 9a)


Chickenville, FL(Zone 9a)

I have used cinnamon as a fungicide on my adeniums. One had gotten a soft spot in the caudex and had to be cut out. Someone told me that cinnamon had some natural fungicidal properties. I was skeptical but went ahead and put the cinnamon on the cut out part of the caudex and kept it dry. Worked like a charm.. Since then I have learned that some orchid growers use cinnamon for the same reasons.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Oh wow...that's prety amazing. If that is really working that will be great. We don't need to use any poisonous fungicide anymore. Thanks for the info :)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Garden corn meal works as well. A tip I found from another DGer.

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