New Quiz

Milwaukee, WI

I don't own a digital camera and since I identified the birds in Resin's photo I win the prize of the next quiz. So I had to scour my brain and come up with something not involving photos. So here's what I came up with. See if you can come up with the common name of these birds. Some of these are rather "oldtime" names.
1: Fieldfare
5:Butcher Bird
And of course there's a bonus question!
There once was a farmer named Peverly who was walking his fields one fine spring morning trying to make up his mind whether the time was right to plant either wheat or barley or oats. The question was important and he was still in a deep quandary when from out of the woods came a whistled "Sow wheat, Peverly, Peverly, Peverly." That settled it. Wheat was sown and he enjoyed a most abundant harvest in the fall and his neighbors were amazed at the amount of wheat his fields produced. He told them his secret of the bird who told him what to sow and ever since the bird was known as the Peverly bird. What is the more common name for this bird?

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

1: Fieldfare – still is Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris)
2:Yellowhammer – still is Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella)
3:Jenny – Wren
4:Preacher –
5:Butcher Bird – Shrike
6:Firebird –
7:Nonpareil –
8:Chewink –
9:Linnet – still is Linnet (Carduelis cannabina)
10:Nightjar – still is Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus)

Bet you weren't expecting that ;-)


Marlton, NJ

Oh Thank you Resin; I thought I was losing it even after searching.

Marlton, NJ

Peverly= Brown Creeper?

Merritt Island, FL(Zone 10a)

Linnet=House Finch
Nonpareil=Painted Bunting
Yellowhammer=Yellow-shafted Flicker

Merritt Island, FL(Zone 10a)

The above are USA oldtime-modern names

Merritt Island, FL(Zone 10a)

Also USA:

Preacher=(Red-eyed) Vireo

Milwaukee, WI

Well, so far OldNed is on the right track. Resin, the names that you gave for some of the birds as being the same are not the "commonly" used names here in the US. Maybe they are in the UK, I don't know, but OldNed, the ones you named are all correct so far. And possibly, in different regions of the country people call say, a flicker, a yellowhammer but I've never heard anyone here in the Midwest Northern states call one that. Hey, so I'm picky.
So the correct answers so far are: Jenny=House Wren Butcher Bird=Shrike Nonpareil=Painted Bunting Chewink=Towhee Preacher=Red-eyed Vireo Linnet=House Finch Yellowhammer=Flicker
So we've got 3 to go plus the bonus question, which, sorry Pelletory but it's not the Brown Creeper.

Merritt Island, FL(Zone 10a)

Alabama state bird is the Flicker...also known there as the "Yellowhammer"

Merritt Island, FL(Zone 10a)

Peverly=White-throated Sparrow...Old Sam Peabody

Merritt Island, FL(Zone 10a)

Fieldfare=American Robin (old USA name for it)

Marlton, NJ

Okay so these were old official or non official names for these birds? Just trying to figure out where I went wrong here in searching.

When looking for Firebird all I was getting were cars and raceways. I used to love firebirds ( the cars,lol).

Marlton, NJ

Another wild guess. Firebird=Summer Tanager?

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Okay so these were old official or non official names for these birds? Just trying to figure out where I went wrong here in searching

Old non-official; they've never been used for any N American species in field guides. Your searching didn't go wrong anywhere, it's just that (a) they're so old that they're hardly cited at all on anything as recent on the internet, and (b) any citations (for some of them) are 'flooded out' by the same names being official names of other birds over here.


PS off out birding for the rest of the afternoon, so won't be posting much more today!

Milwaukee, WI

Ok, Congratulations OldNed!! You got most of them and I was impressed you got Peverly. Old Sam Peabody is correct--more commonly known as the White-throated sparrow. And Pelletory--close enough--actually it's the Scarlet Tanager.Another name for the Summer Tanager was Bee Bird. The last one,Nightjar, is another name for the Whip-Poor-Will. And Resin, what's that called in the UK that we call an Eggplant?

Merritt Island, FL(Zone 10a)

It's Aubergine....Resin's out twitching and ticking

Marlton, NJ

Lucky Resin! I was hoping to get some good close hummer shots today but the weather is not cooperating.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Wasn't as good as I'd hoped - there's a strong cold N wind (just 12 degrees this afternoon!) and rain . . . should be ideal for seawatching, but all I got was 4 Sooty Shearwaters, 1 Manx Shearwater and 1 Arctic Skua, in 2½ hours. Plenty of Fulmars, Gannets, and Kittiwakes, but they're always around. Had hoped for one or two other skuas at least.


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