Dog's been pooping in my vegetable garden...grrrr

Carnation, WA

I love my dog, I really do. She's great in many ways and has these funny habits that make her great to have around. But after installing my beds for my vegetables she of course found the nice soft soil and started pooping in it.
I sprinkled with red pepper and it kept it down but I found some more yesterday on the surface.
So now, do I have to pull the vegetables?
It rains a lot here so I am worried about leaching.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Your dog probably is interested in your garden because you are. He/she probably wants to know what you find so fascinating there. It seems to me that the biggest downside of having your dog pooping in your garden is the smell and unpleasantness of dealing with it. I know of one person though who fertilized his tomatoes solely with dog poop and got an excellent crop.
On the other hand one worries about eating root crops that have had poop on them, but you can scrub them with a brush and remove the skin, which one generally does anyhow and eat them safely, especially if they are cooked. If you want to eat them raw, wash them in a dilute solution of chlorine bleach and you won't have to worry.
We have a vet on the Rocky Mountain Forum who composts all the waste from his dog and he clearly knows what he is doing.
One thing I might suggest is that you teach your dog to use a special place to poop. I have a friend who has taught her dog to poop on a 3 x 3 ft. piece of artificial turf. The dog gets rewarded for doing so and my friend happily dumps the poop and hoses off the little carpet. Your dog could probably be trained to do the same and that would make the cleanup business a whole lot easier.

Berkeley, CA(Zone 9a)

If you'd like some training tips for doing the above suggested, Dmail me.

Carnation, WA

Thanks for the help and comforting advice. She isn't usually a problem and I tried something that helped a bit. if I shove sticks in the ground in the beds about 10 inches high or so she will avoid that portion being the small dog that she is. I just need more sticks.......
I would like more info on the training. She is afraid of the dark I think, though, and won't go out at night alone. This leaves the carpet.....

Anderson, SC(Zone 7b)

Puppy pads. :) I have 2 small house dogs and even tho they're 99% housetrained, I still leave puppy pads down for them in case I don't get them out when I should. Also, I don't buy actual "puppy pads" - way too expensive. I buy the "underpads" in the incontinence aisle at the drug store - same thing, much cheaper. ;)

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