A couple adeniums

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Ra Ji Nee variegation continues to fascinate me.

Thumbnail by rylaff
Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Close up. I think this is gonna be one of my favorites

Thumbnail by rylaff
Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

This is an unknown. Lost the tag last year. Could probably figure it out by process of elimination comparing what I have bought to what I have labeled. .

Thumbnail by rylaff
Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Ra Ji Nee, absolutely wondrous, beautiful, stupendous(spelling) leaves! I will, definitely, get that plant one day!!! 8>))


Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

Ra Ji Nee is a must have!!
WOW! what a great looking plant.

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

I was just at Snowbelts website. He had two more must have variegations that I dont have. He still has Ra Ji Nee also.

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

That day is here; have ordered Ra Ji Nee!! hehehe


Victoria, BC(Zone 8a)

I LOVE Ra Ji Nee! It's fantabulistic! I NEED it. ;-)

Yardley, PA

I have been wanting a nice varigated and I just ordered it. Thanks. Sally

Yardley, PA

Why do they say some of these are hard to grow? What is different about these? Thanks. Sally

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

I have no idea. This one has leafed out beautiful and is growing rapidly, catching up with some of the others.

Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

The variegateds or adeniums in general?

Yardley, PA

Hi Malestrom - a lot of Philadelphia people here. I am right up the Delaware River from you! I think it was the variegated that they were referring to but why would any be more difficult to grow? I am thinking they mean more rot prone but perhaps it is that they are slower? These hybrids are so pretty. My addiction rages on.

This is Bulo Som Jade - The leaves are so different. It just rained here for 3 days but the rain drops are so pretty.

Thumbnail by Sally0
Yardley, PA

Rylaff - I am so excited to get Ra Ji Nee. I had bought seeds last year on ebay of what were supposed to be variegated adeniums. The seedlings are about 2 inches high now with many leaves that are solid green. I am assuming that these are not going to be variegated. Do you have any idea? Does it take awhile for the varigation to show up? Oh well, I will have Ra Ji Nee anyway. Being in Florida, do you plant your adeniums in the garden? I guess they are outside all year round which would be awesome. I hope you don't mind this pest jumping in with all these questions! Sally

Noble Concubine

Thumbnail by Sally0
Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

I will add some clarification on adeniums on several points
1. Adeniums in general can be harder than most plants to grow as during the required dormancy they must not be watered at all.
~~If they are watered the chances of rot are very high
2. The variety known as Arabicum has the ability to self heal some level of root rot and therefore make excellent caudex grafting stock.
3. The most commonly used variety is adenium obesum as they grow rapidly
4. Variegated plants tend to be slower growing as they dont draw the nutrients from the sun as most 'all green' plants do.
~~Most variegates prefer bright light or filtered sun, not full sun
5. Any flower or leaf type you love may be grafted into other plants.
~~It is rare but some root stock will not accept grafts

The leaves on yours look like Somalense to me
Id like to see a pic of the entire plant.
The flowers are gorgeous ;)
Yardley is about 40 minutes from me, not far at all.
Maybe sometime we could do a Philadelphia area cookout and bring a plant or 3 to show, even a lil swap of cuttings or something neat like that.

Yardley, PA

Thank you. That information was very helpful. I bought this adenium last year with a number of others about the same size. This has bloomed it's head off all summer.
Some of the other haven't even started to flower yet. Getting together would be great. Picking only 3 or so would be hard! Do you just grow adeniums? I have many (I'm afraid to count) caudiciforms, also. Sally

Bulo Som Jade

Thumbnail by Sally0
Victoria, BC(Zone 8a)

Sally, thanks for posting the pic of Noble Concubine. I have ordered Super Noble Concubine and am looking forward to it.

Yardley, PA

Hi Teresa - Just curious, what is the difference with the Super Noble Concubine? Thanks. Sally

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Beautiful and unusual adenium, oh well, another added to the list for 'next year'!! lol
By the way, are you growing in hygroculture(think that is right)! 8>)


Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

rylaff-looks like desert rose to me

Yardley, PA

Hi Larry, Your not far away either. I switched everything over to semi-hydroponics a few years ago. I have had incredible success with it and it has solved most of my rotting problems since you can't overwater. I tend to over-mother my plants.

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Glad I was right(sorta). 8>)


Plumiedelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

Super NC looks the same with much larger blossoms.

I grow many plants in the cacti / succulent family
Next to adeniums would be Plumeria and them primarily.
I have more than a person in a twin with no land ought.
Many Named Cultivars
Many seedlings
Many multi trees ive made myself

Yardley, PA

I grow many caudiciforms and succulents. I also have a bunch of orchids, african violets, 250 roses and 12 birds. I have such wonderful hobbies. What I have extra right now that I can think of and I can probably separate other things:

Ledebouria species tanzania- nice size seedling-bulb
Momordica Rostrata - nice size
Cereus forbesii forma montrosa crestata varigata - grafted
Euphorbia suzannae - very large

I never got into plumeria for some reason. They look awesome.

Momordica Rostrata seedling

Thumbnail by Sally0
Victoria, BC(Zone 8a)

Thanks for answering for me Malestrom! ;-)

WOW Sally! I wish you'd post some picture of your plants!

Yardley, PA

Oh happy dance. I just got mine in the mail. They are gorgeous.

Thumbnail by Sally0
Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Got mines' too, today and yes, there are gorgeous! The variation is so vivid!!

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Sweet!!! Looks good.

Victoria, BC(Zone 8a)

OH WOW! That's gorgeous and it didn't take long to get to you!

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