2007 Snowpeak Iris Co-Op...WILL BEGIN ON 08/20/2007!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

Hi all~

Sorry I've been MIA lately. It's been a crazy year!

Just wanted to let anyone who's interested in last minute iris bargains know that I'm hosting another co-op with Snowpeak Iris and Daylilies.

You can read the full details here:


Have Fun!


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh, my goodness. what wonderful selections you have on that page....I can't wait...I need a million dollars and a few "good men" to dig! LOL

Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

Well, have fun ordering! This end of the the season sale is a great way to pick up on lots of extras at a low price. Go crazy! LOL.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Now, Laura, you should know I am the one person on DG you don't have to tell GO CRAZY! LOL I always seem able to do that...and once I get what I ordered it becomes blatantly obvious even to me that I have lost my mind! LOL

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Me and you both, sista! ROFL

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

WE must be crazy, we are still awake!

Lebanon, OR

Then how crazy is this, the person digging, cleaning, trimming, labeling, drying and packing them is still up since 3:13AM and still awake. Digging 13 orders tomorrow.



Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Worse than Crazy...you must be Delerious! I hope you got some sleep!

Lebanon, OR

Company left yesterday and yes got some much needed sleep. This morning if the rain stops long enough and not enough will dig the 13 orders if not those will get dug Wed and the overseas tomorrow

This is called either insanity or an addiction.!

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Well, I have been waiting till TEN to place my order, and just realized it was TEN PACIFIC time, so it is at ONE my time...lol I will have to go, I was supposed to be at my Mama's Assisted Living Residence at nine this morning...so I was trying to get another DGer to post for me...but if I can't, then I will miss out...stayed up all night just getting my list in order...LOL WE are ADDICTED for sure!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Dee, you are crazy .... for sure. Full moon - no.... 24 hour sunlight ..... no... Oregon isn't the arctic. You must have a miners headlight. A good slug hunting item.

Lebanon, OR

Darn the rain is stopping me COLD in my tracks just tried...wet like a drained rat myself. They are really hard to label and dry and dry and label to get that done...and my shoes are really heavy from the mud...hopefully will stop soon and can dig. Did get 13 dug out of 200 does that count.



Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

LOL.....God bless you, I envy you the rain....we havent had any in a month. This sorry old sand dries out very quick

Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

Hi Everyone~

Just reminding you that the co-op is open today and we still have plenty left. All rhizomes are only $2.25 each.


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