Native aquatics

Does anyone out there have a pond, natually occuring or manmade, that is in a dappled or densely shaded area? If so, which native plants have you found or stocked your pond with that are doing well in shade? I'm looking for ideas of indigenous free-floating, submergent, and emergent species which have done well for other gardeners in the eastern states.

So far I've come up with-
Glyceria striata (Fowl Manna Grass)
Peltandra virginica (Arrow Arum)
Ceratophyllum echinatum (Spineless Hornwort)
C. demersum (Coontail)

Ludwigia peploides (Water Primrose)
Saururus cernuus (Lizard's Tail)
Pontederia cordata (Pickerelweed)
Caltha palustris (Marsh Marigold)
Polygonum amphibium (Water Bisort)

Photos are always greatly appreciated. Gives me ideas.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Parrot Feather does very well here in sun or shade. I have some the Santa Fe River shared with me.

Thanks Molly, can you tell me which Parrots Feather or do you have a photo please?

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm not to good at names, but a photo I can do.

Here ya go!

Thumbnail by MollyMc

Well, thank you for the photo.

I've got some good news and some bad news.

Good news is I purchased another new computer to replace the last new computer I bought that had hardware failures amongst other issues. Bad news is the new computer I have has new firewalls that I obviously am far too stupid to figure out how to configure so currently I can't see so much as even one photo at DG. My new state of the art whateverthehell I have is blocking everthing to include e-mail and is blocking all photos as if they are ads or something.

So far all I can do is follow a link to a photo. I can generally view photos at other sites but even some of those are getting blocked as if they are ads.

Really sorry. I didn't know I was having problem when I asked you to post a photo. Figures.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh man, that's terrible. I could disable your firewall if I could play with it, but maybe someone can tell you how to do that. I'm a hunt and peck the brain of the computer type of gal.

Is there someplace else you would like to have the photo posted so you could see it?

Let me know and I will do my best.


Well, currently my e-mail is blocked too. I'm just having a wonderful day. Get this, there's some sort of a phishing scanner/filter that examines each site (and each area of each site) that I go to that I can't shut off. That's real fun too. I have to sit here while it examines each site and wait for this phishing thing to do it's thing before a page loads as if I'm on those really slow dial up connections from 10 years ago. Gets better, I don't even know what phishing is.

I posted a question asking for help over in computers. I think I'll go run outside and hit my hand with a hammer or something since I'm obviously into pain and all.

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