What's blooming for you in this heat?

Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

I'm wondering what is blooming for others in GA. during this heat.

My "Copper King" hibiscus is blooming well and so are my Little Gem magnolias. My various cone flowers don't seem to mind the heat nor does my dianthus that I can't remember the name of. The cannas are blooming and so are the hostas.One of my daylilies rebloomed abt a week ago but now they're all crispy.

For annuals, the geranium, lantana and verbena are blooming as well as some petunias. I don't have many annuals.

I'm disappointed in my balloon flowers. They had more blooms last year despite the fact that I practically ignored them.

My butterfly bush also is putting in a dissappointing performance but I'm cutting it some slack bcs it was hard hit by the freeze.

(All of the above have been watered at every legal opportunity, not to mention a few illegal emergency waterings.)

What's doing well for ya'll?
Sherry in Dalton

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Zinnias, marigolds, sunflowers, cosmos, dahlias continue to bloom despite the heat and drought. Wave petunias are cascading over my containers but seem to be doing better than the one I planted in the rocks of our dry stream bed.

Most of my hardy hibiscus are done blooming including Kopper King but I have a couple that are still blooming. Lady Baltimore is one of the longest blooming cultivars it seems.

The few hostas I put out this year are blooming even if half the foliage is burnt up. Wild passion flowers are so beautiful but they can be so weedy.

Lantana and annual vinca(Catharanthus) continue to bloom as though laughing at the miserable conditions. Dragon Wings begonia is a stunning bloomer as well as a lot of my cane begonias.

Black eyed Susans pop up everywhere but I only have one purple coneflower so far. Butterfly bushes are doing okay but they are still young. My balloon flower did spectacular this year with hundreds of blooms and now I see several seedlings from last year. Celosia spicata (Flamingo Feather) is quite weedy but the colors of foliage and blooms are too nice to destroy completely. Datura is starting to bloom (double purple, white, and hopefully double yellow soon). The datura ('Le Fleur Lilac') is very weedy so I pull up the ones I don't want and leave the rest.

Not sure if I should include gourds since it isn't the flower that counts but rather the gourd itself - I have many nice ones this year. I guess they find water somehow.

Here are some of my begonias that are my passion. Blooms are frosting on the cake for these plants.

Thumbnail by hcmcdole
Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I have a few blooms. Gaillardia, daylilies, hostas, verbena and Texas Star Hibiscus to name just a few. I'm terribly upset that all the beds next to the pond have completely filled up with weeds. Just too hot for me to get out there and hoe and pull'em out.

Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

Your begonias are gorgeous, hcmc!!! To what do you attribute the performance of your balloon flowers? Mine did nothing compared to last year. I haven't fertilized them. Maybe I should do that when it cools off a little?

Cordele, how did you get your daylilies to bloom? I'm so jealous! Are they in part shade? How often do you water? Fertilizer? Most of mine are the color of a burnt sienna crayola!!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I haven't done anything special to my daylilies. They are all in direct sun. The beds get deeply soaked once a week. I've used messenger on them about four times this year if that could have had any good effect on them. Although messenger should be applied every two weeks. I stretched it since I didn't have enough and only used it once a month, April, May June and July. Missed August when I ran out of it.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I have only watered the things in pots, and shade house.I have beautiful texas star hib, and lady baltimore is doing fine( these are at the end of the drain field).My wave petunias are not looking good, but it has been such a stressful year on everything.I'm just proud their living.Mike

Thumbnail by mqiq77
Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I didn't do anything special to my balloon flower (platycodon) this year. I should've staked them since they got so heavy with blooms they were laying on the ground. I do have it in filtered shade though. Since it did so well, I have been hitting it with MG liquid fertilizer once a week.

Thumbnail by hcmcdole
Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

This is what's left of the blooms before the cool weather comes in. Who knows when that will be.
This is a Jerusalem Artichoke that was sent to me as tubers in the spring. It's about 10' tall with chocolate scented blooms.


Thumbnail by Raggedyann
Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

this was here when we moved into our house.

Thumbnail by Raggedyann
Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Autumn Joy sedum

Thumbnail by Raggedyann
Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Vinca that reseeded from last year, butterfly bush that came up after hubby ran over it with the mower. This is about 4 feet from the mother plant and some bulbs??? that my son planted there. I'll have to seperate them when it gets cooler.

Thumbnail by Raggedyann
Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Red rose, one of the Big Lots specials

Thumbnail by Raggedyann
Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Pink snapdragons

Thumbnail by Raggedyann
Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Star of Yelta morning glory. Don't mind the grass and weeds. For some reason the weeds only grow around my flowers. The rest of the yard is bare...

Thumbnail by Raggedyann
Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Looking good RaggedyAnn. Some plants just love the heat and drought. My dahlias are in the dirt but are so brilliant. Next year I will get a lot more dahlias.

Hibiscus continues to bloom and I thought they were all over. Zinnias, cosmos, marigolds, celosia, cypress vine, Joe Pye weed (just seed heads now), iron weed, goldenrod, boneset, lantana, vinca, ginger, hydrangea P.G., and others are laughing at the heat.

Thumbnail by hcmcdole
Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

That is just beautiful!! I want to thank you for the advice you gave me earlier about potting up a sickly hydrangea. It grew by leaps and bounds and the leaves were huge. Maybe next year it can go in the ground :) and maybe it will bloom too.
I didn't have any luck with dahlias this year. I will probably buy more to make up for them though. I have a ton of iris to get in the ground. If I could get away from the desk!!!

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