Anyone try Garden Shield for IrisBorer?And another question-

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Someone in another forum suggested this.
I still haven't planted all of my deborered iris for this year. The first batch is growing well, but we have had SO much rain lately that I don't think I can mound up the dirt as I like to do for irises. I was just thinking of sticking them in a crack in the mudd and coming back later to replant more optimally. What do you think? Just wait until it dries out a bit more?

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Don't bother with Garden Shield. I was one of the original testers of the product, and I refused to spray it on my irises more than once. Even when following label directions to spray on an overcast day or out of direct sunlight, the product spotted the leaves very badly. Also, it requires reapplication after every rainfall or heavy dew. It's waaaaay too expensive to do that with!. I don't even know if it repels borers like it claims to do. Maybe it does; maybe it doesn't. If you want to control borers chemically, use Merit. It works and doesn't damage the irises in the process. It's also very cost effective.

I would not recommend planting bearded irises in mud. Wait until things dry out.


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