Pinch buds on new Jackmanii?

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

Earlier this summer, we planted a Jackmanii. Its stems were damaged in the process of securing to the lattice fence so we had to cut it back. Thankfully, it seems to have recovered nicely and it's growing up the fence. A few flowers have bloomed and there are a good number of additional buds waiting to pop.

We are in the midst of a severe drought. Would we be wise to pinch the flower buds and give the plant an opportunity to use its energy to get established?

This message was edited Aug 16, 2007 11:51 AM

(Zone 4a)

If it is a first year plant, you should keep it cut back to 15-18 inches
in order to develope strong roots.

Water it!

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

It's a "first year plant" for us but, when we bought it, it was good size -- attached to supports and about 3 ft. tall. When it was planted, it sure seemed to have a good root system. Still keep it to 15-18 inches?

Has close to a dozen open blossoms this morning. . . .

(Zone 4a)

Hi Jim,

Good question, but difficult to answer.

I wouldn't want to cut off the beautiful buds. The only way you will
ever know is to ask the supplier for the age of the vine.

I will guess being in Zone 7 the vine should survive the winter.
Mulch it well after cold weather sets in.

For now, water it!

Newmarket, ON(Zone 5a)

We just planted a jackmanii superba this spring too. It's the first time we've had to plant a clematis in over a decade (we just moved) and I was surprized at how small the blooms were on a young plant. I've been pinching the blooms, and it has made the vine push higher, which pushes the roots to grow. I want big flowers!!! Maybe try pinching just some of the blooms?

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