Trumpet Vine Question

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

How to get rid of it?


Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

over pamper it?? maybe flood it or way overfertilize? I think it survives everything else.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

i've tried everything but pouring gasoline on it and lighting it on fire. And I can't do that as it is on my fence.


Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

Get a goat they will eat it to death, I have experienced it. I have been trying to grow one for the hummers.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Yeah, that's my neighbor's idea... grow it for the hummers. But she doesn't maintain it at all and it grows all over to my side of the fence and seeds it's self into every pot I have. It grows and sticks out 5' into mid air. It's very annoying for those who have gardens next to their fence and are trying to maintain their gardens. She wants the vine, I don't. I usually just keep it trimmed back off my fence, but this year it has really driven me crazy.

What about vegitation killer?


Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

I think that would work , there are some out there especially for vines I use a formula for poison ivy . Sorry just threw out the bottle or I could give you a name .If the vine is real large I think you would have to cut it back some then spray it.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hmmm... I have no idea where it's rooted. I think it's rooted on both sides our fences and in between (yes, she has a fence up too). She is a rather odd person if I might add. I keep cutting it off my fence over and over again. It really serves as no purpose... I've never seen a hummer in it. It spans from the side of my house all the way to the back of my yard... so the entire side basically. Cutting it back and ever finding the exact roots... that would be a task... there is other vine that I'd like to get rid of mixed in with it. I don't have anything against vines ... in their place. I have a wonderful pink jasmine that is on a trellis. Some other things too that I just can't think of the names of at this moment. But she does nothing to control, contain, or even maintain any of the vine I now have to put up with. She has it all growing in her trees as well... which she thinks is nice, but I know it will eventually kill the trees.

Thanks for the ideas.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

The one thing I'd be careful of if you start in with herbicide is making sure you don't kill the vine on her side of the fence too, that can get you in trouble. If what's on your side of the fence is indeed a separate plant then you should be OK (just be really careful with the spray--painting it on may be a better idea so you don't wind up with overspray on her side). The stuff for poison ivy is called Brush B Gone, there are probably others as well but that's one.

Chalfont, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm glad you posted this. I also have horrible trumpet vines in my favorite garden. It was planted by the previous owners of our home. It is so invasive! I'm constantly weeding offshoots, and cutting back the original vines. But they come up almost daily. I'm going to try some of that ivy killer. I was wondering whether if I keep adding the killer even over the winter months if that might help. Has anyone had any luck getting rid of this stuff?

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Wow, I just have to say...I have been growing a trumpet vine for 3 years and NOT 1 FLOWER YET! It is killing me to hear what a time you are all having getting rid of the thing and I just keep telling mine...."please grow and flower for me" *lol*

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Kim, It took my vine at least 5 years to bloom but now it is beautiful. Mine has also started to have pups 3 feet or so from the main vine. Just run them over with the lawn mower. Do understand that it could be a problem if everyone on both sides aren't keeping it under control.

Northern, IN

Ugh! I dug mine up after only three years and now fight it daily!

Agawam, MA(Zone 6a)

Mine is starting to grow crazy & finally flower. I recently read that in the fall you should cut it down to about two feet, to control it's growth, which I never did. Also in the spring add fertilizer, forgot what type to help it flower. I've had mine in the Northeast for about five years and only have had three flowers. This year it nearly took over the yard.

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Well, this is so good to know. I THINK mine is about 3 years old and it's only about 5 feet tall so I don't think I'll whack it but MAYBE next year I'll get a flower or two :)

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

Is there more than one type? One sprung up this year so I put a tower over it 6' tower. It has come out the top grown to the ground twice and tried to root and I have cut it back.
Maybe I will be sorry , might have a monster on my hands.

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Maybe I just have REALLY bad acidic sand....ooops I mean soil *lol*

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Well, the stuff grows way out of control here... as it grows about year round. It doesn't get cold enough here to make it dormant or anything like that I don't think. My neighbor... no, she does nothing to control the vine or anything of that sort.

Last year I went through a lot of trouble to whack the vine and get it off my fence and out of my yard. It has other vines growing in with it that grow over to a tree near the fence and take it over... in which I have to keep cleaning the stuff of the tree as I know the vines will kill the tree. My neighbor doesn't seem to understand that part. But that's not my business.

I just don't like the stuff growing on my side and dropping seeds down into my gardens and pots. And the vine... I just find it very annoying. I have plants that work very similar... but they are not vines. They do not spread like the vines do. So as far as the flowers go... loss of them is not a big deal to me.

They are just everywhere and taking over.


Northern, IN

I think PlantFiles should have a red flag warning that Trumpet Vine can be hazardous to your health.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hazardous to your sanity!!


Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

It is listed as #3 in the "Top Ten Thugs" area of Plant Files, following Sumac and Virginia Creeper.
Be sure to check out the Thug listing before planting anything. (Even if it does look really cute in a can)
I, by way of my neighbor over the back fence also have the Scarlet Trumpet Vine and so far it has behaved itself enough and is in an ignored area, so no plants to try and burn the fence down.
California Privets, on the other hand, should be outlawed - At least in California. Suckers, Seedlings (years after Momma is gone) tend to give it immortality.

Donna - maybe you should just move it a few thousand miles North, so it freezes.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

No, no, no... ha hahahahaha. I've lived in Buffalo once for 8 years. I hated it. Too short of a growing season for me. And I don't like snow.


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