Cardinal with Little One

Marlton, NJ

Please excuse the mess under my feeders, I will clean that up. :-)

I thought these 2 were so cute. The Mommy looks quite ragged with feathers seeming to hang from her chest.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ

Feed Me !!!!

Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ

Being Fed

Thumbnail by pelletory
Hebron, KY


They're SO CUTE!!!! ;-)

Thanks for sharing!


Marlton, NJ

Last one

Thumbnail by pelletory
Hebron, KY



Marlton, NJ

Thanks Marilyn; they were fun to watch.

Cedar Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I want to thank everyone for posting so many wonderful pictures. What a joy to look forward to each day.

Thanks, gg=alice

Beachwood, NJ(Zone 6b)

Excellent photos pelletory!!! Being fed is the best!!! :)

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

I never saw a baby before - so cute

Rowlett, TX(Zone 8a)

Cute pictures, you can almost hear the baby squawking. Pelletory, do you ever offer grapes? The Cardinals in my area just love grapes.


Hebron, KY


What color of grapes? Do they like the seedless ones only? How do you feed them grapes?


Marlton, NJ

I should try that again now that the Starlings are gone. Thanks for reminding me!

Rowlett, TX(Zone 8a)

In my experience it doesn't matter what color or whether or not they have seeds, or even if they're close to going bad. The Cardinals seem to love them all. What I do is tie a small cluster of grapes to the bottom of the shepards hook where the feeders are hung. Cardinals, Blue Jays, and Mockingbirds love to tear into those grapes. I think they really appreciate the moisture during our hot summers.


Hebron, KY


Thanks for the info! I have to go the grocery store tomorrow and think (if I remember) a bunch.


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