Roses in shade?

Hammond, LA

Does anyone have any experience with climbers or rambles that will tolerate about 3 hours of morning sun and 1 to 2 hours of afternoon sun? I've done a little research and have narrowed it down to two possibilities - New Dawn and Darlow's Enigma. I have an old cattle salt block/feeder that I would like to use as a trellis. I have been clearing out much of the brush around it so it will get more dappled sunlight during the day. Thoughts anyone? BTW, I'm in southeast Louisiana.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'd think you may get a variety of answers here... but i did a quick search and came up with a site that may be helpful.

A Southern Garden -- which is your location too.

she lists 10 different roses that do well for her in various shade/sun conditions.

hope this helps

Hammond, LA

Thanks tcs1366 - that site gives me something to work with. New Dawn is on her list and that is one that I found while doing a little research. I'm not very experienced with roses since I've always avoided them thinking they were all high maintenance but since joining DG I've discovered that is not always the case. A few years ago, on an impulse, I bought two very pretty rose bushes without doing any research at all. I planted them near the side of my house where they still remain to this day but they bloom very little, lean towards the sun, and look scraggly. I plan to transplant them in the fall to a more suitable location. I don't want to make another mistake by planting a rose that will die out or never climb or bloom so here I am. This site is very helpful and I wish I'd found it sooner. Only problem is, I don't know which forums to post up particular questions LOL! Thanks for your input.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I would post messages about roses in the Rose forum... as i dont think many who have shade gardens plant roses.

I have them at home (in Ill.) where they get full sun... and i have hostas up here (in wisc) where i have shade.... and no roses.

Good luck... i love roses and they are quite a joy when they are in full bloom. I am one to "stop and smell the roses" -- i do it every time I pass a gorgeous bloom.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Just planted 'Darlow's Enigma' this year and have been pleased with its performance in the garden. Bloomed early and now is putting out alot of new growth and lots of buds!

Another great Rose for the shade is Rosa glauca Really unique foliage.

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

dappled sunlight is sunlight. i think you will not have a problem.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Take a look at Zephirine Droughin. It's a well known climber that takes shade.

Here's info from the Kemper Garden Center at the Missouri Botanic Gardens about it.

And here's a great site with great photos.

This message was edited Nov 22, 2007 11:22 PM

This message was edited Nov 22, 2007 11:24 PM

Thumbnail by revclaus
Baton Rouge, LA

Hello from slightly north of you... Baton Rouge! I have several area of partial shade/dappled sun that are currently graced with roses. I can verify that the following varieties can stand up to our Louisiana heat and humidity as well as perform well in partial shade: New Dawn (climbing), Marie Pavie, Mlle Cecile Brunner (climbing), The Fairy, Sea Foam, Iceberg (climbing white), Burgundy Iceberg (newer variety), Autumn Splendor (miniature in large pot and EXCELLENT!!!), and Baby Katie (also miniature in large pot). Others have been added this year, and I can send you an update after they go through their first Autumn and I can better judge their performance. Good luck! :)

Samson, AL

I am new here and so excited! I never thought one could plant roses in in South Albama..7 miles from the Fl panhandle...have mostly woods that want to keep for the welcome shade...but love flowers. Wonder if humidity will be problem here for roses in shade???would appreciate advice.

Baton Rouge, LA

Colorapp, I'm in Louisiana; you can't get much more humid than that! If you stick with the roses that are considered Earthkind, you shouldn't have a problem. The ones I listed in the post above yours should do fine. If you would like a more complete list of those that would tolerate shade, you can do a search for those that will work well here:

Also, you could check with the selection at Antique Rose Emporium. They have a good listing and description on their site.

Good luck!

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