Veggies in your flower beds?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

On another thread, some of us got way off topic, so it was time to start a new discussion. Here's my okra growing in front of my firecracker bush. Have eggplant, green beans, tomatoes, and asparagus in with the flowers. I do it because I don't have any other space. If the sun is right and there's a hole, I find a veggie to fit. If you grow veggies in your flower beds, will you share what works and what you grow?

Thumbnail by bookworm28
Brainerd, MN

Thanks for starting this. I look forward to seeing what people are doing with their veggies.

Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

I'm also hoping to see what works. I already mix herbs and flowers, I'm thinking of putting pumpkins in a flower box with my geraniums...just because I like the foliage. :)

Michelle in Michigan

Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

We mix flowers and vegetables all the time in our garden. I don't know what is the "correct" mix, but we try to consider height as a factor. We plant in raised beds exclusively, so space is at a premium in our garden and a lot of things must find a way to co-exist in a 4x8 foot bed.

Here's a close-up photo of a "Friendship" Glad in front of a trellis of "Purple Pod" pole beans.

Thumbnail by BDale60
Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Here's our primary bed of zinnias (mixed colors of "Benary Giant") in front of "Pruden's Purple" tomatoes on the trellises. I'm sure it looks overcrowded, but all inhabitants seem to be doing okay. The tomatoes had a lot more space and direct sunlight for the first few weeks and got off to a good start. The zinnias flourish in mid-August, so they are starting to crowd but we are also picking ripe tomatoes every day now. I just cut every bloom a week ago for cut flowers in vases, and yet many blooms are beginning to re-appear.

Thumbnail by BDale60
Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Here's a closer view of the tomatoes (from the back of the bed, instead of the front where the zinnias are, so you can see the trellis).

Thumbnail by BDale60
Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Here's a shot from about a month ago. A bed of assorted peppers, with Dahlias growing on the green stakes along the left side.

Thumbnail by BDale60
Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

This photo is from this past weekend. This is a slightly different angle of the Dahlia/Pepper bed, but the Dahlias ("Goshen Calico") are now about 6 foot tall so they are blooming way above the peppers. The peppers seem to be doing fine, although they can't be seen in this photo since they are at about the 2-3 foot height range.

Thumbnail by BDale60
Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Last photo (sorry to put so many on the thread) from about a month ago, an "aerial" photo to give you some context for our crazy flowers + veggies raised bed strategy. Thanks for looking.

Thumbnail by BDale60
Brainerd, MN

Post away. These photos are so helpful. I would never have thought to mix glads with beans. My beans didn't do well because of poor soil. They were an experiment.

These photos and comments get my mind working toward better solutions.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Bdale - your photos are exactly what I was hoping to see when I started this thread! They are beautiful. Original_Sybil and I got off topic on the birdwatching forum on a birdseed thread! I don't know remember how that transition occurred!

Glads and beans, zinnias and tomatoes - gorgeous! The zinnias will hide the not so pretty older bottom part of the tomato plant as it progresses through the season.

MsKatt - I like the idea of pumpkins in a flower box! I need to look at plant files to see the foliage.

I will post a pic of the eggplant growing in between milkweed for the monarchs and a vine with pretty yellow flowers. I need to wait until the sun hits them right to take a better photo.

Brainerd, MN

This is great!

Pass Christian, MS(Zone 8b)

How cool! Our local co-op does this in their front flower beds. It's really neat to find flowers and tomatoes growing when you walk in the front door! I really need to get going on my yard. I wish it wasn't so hot!

Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Bookworm and O-Syb. I appreciate you starting this thread. O-Syb, I have in-laws who spend much of their time in the Brainerd/Nisswa area and I'm a native Minnesotan myself. MzzPool, I'm sure it is nowhere near as hot here as you've got it but I feel the same way; when the heat hits I go into slow gear. Happy gardening all. Let's see who else has some flowers w/veggies mix.

Brainerd, MN

MzzPool - hot for you yes, but at least your growing season is longer than a sneeze! :)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

MzzPool - we are probably having the same type of weather - very hot and very humid. It's supposed to be 102 here today. But yes, Orig_Sybil, we have a pretty great growing season. I've just put the fall tomatoes in, hoping to beat any early freezes.

Here's a pic of from front to back: yellow milkweed, eggplant, geranium, and butterfly vine. At least the eggplant love this heat - the one you see was about 1" long on Friday. Now about 6"!

I don't have too much more to show. Anyone else have photos or ideas?

This message was edited Aug 13, 2007 1:45 PM

Thumbnail by bookworm28
Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

In my opinion eggplants are a very good choice for a mixed vegetable and flower bed because of their beautiful foliage (as long as you don't have Japanese Beetles shred the leaves). Not growing any this year, but kind of miss them. Yours looks good.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

BDale - we hit 100 today with high humidity. The eggplant looked fabulous all day. The okra had beautiful yellow flowers. Everything else in my garden looked very unhappy. The patty pan squash even wilted, and I watered it this morning. I think the eggplant in the picture grew an inch today.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

BDale, your beds look just awesome, as always! I love the aerial shots you give--really gives a great view of what you've got going.

Now, does it count if I plant eggplants and okra (neither of which I really enjoy eating) in my veggie beds, strictly for their looks? Saw both plants for the first time this summer at our local u-pick place and fell in love with them--so pretty!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

tucsonjill -- try the recipe forum here, and you might just find some recipes and enjoy eating both of them. You have the right climate (hot) and they are delicious! Grilled, sauteed, eggplant dip, eggplant parmesan, etc. oh the joys! Okra is maybe an acquired taste, but I love it. I would love to go to your u-pick place and then go help you cook them LOL.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

Sounds great, bookworm--when can you be here? :)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

hmmm... I just offered to show up at dinner in North Dakota on the recipe forum. I guess I've got a problem...

Brainerd, MN

Where is the recipe forum? Can you provide a link?

Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Look at the top of your screen and click the tab that says "Communities". Once there, click "Forums". Once there you will see all of the forums available at Dave's Garden. The "Recipe" forum is in a category called something like "Cooking and Entertaining" or close to it, just browse around a little bit and you will find it.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks BDale... I think Dave must have changed the layout of the site yesterday - the tabs have changed and that's a new way to the recipe forum. Orig_Sybil - it's a great forum. Outside of DG, is where I get great recipes. It's free.

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