'tis the season

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

We were cooking/camping after Ivan and we found the next door neighbor's solid oak head board in the rubble pile...we had a campfire that lasted 3 days...even did a whole pig on that fire.....Lucy!!!! we're going campinggg....


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. I could eat spam in a situation like yours but otherwise furgetta bout it. Same for corned beef. Now, the pig sounds great!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Come on........Rickey......Ethel, Fred.......I'm going without you........


There is more than one reason for my nomenclature.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

My dad had open heart surgery in 1992....was in CCU for 78 days. When he finally was released to go home my mom asked what he would really like to eat......well, Joyce, if it wouldn't be too much trouble.....I'd really like fried Spam......now my mother always rolled it in cornmeal first and put it in just a little bacon grease. They were depression children and my dad was in the Phillipines for 28 months during WWII. Didn't take a lot to make them happy. I still like fried Spam......takes me home to my parents. ooopppss...about to cry. Who'd thought Spam would be sentimental. John, just add a little ketchup and some dill pickles.....gourmet, my man.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Everybody ok?

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)


We grew up on Spam too. My Dad was in the Air Force. When we travelled to Virginia every year on leave, we always carried an electric skillet. I can see my Dad in the motels, frying up spam in the skillet and serving it with some fried or scrambled eggs. Fried toast too. Yum Yum! No one, and I do mean NO ONE could make Spam like Daddy! It always had that perfect crispness and was juicy in the center.

I don't know of any other recipes, but I do make a ham loaf using ground pork. It's like making meatloaf, but you use pork instead and I added chunky pineapples last night. Oh My it was good. I don't see why you couldn't substitute Spam for the ground pork.

John, I did without a stove for almost 2 years. I learned to cook on small appliances. Mostly though, I learned that just about anything can be cooked on the grill if you have aluminum pans or foil and plenty of olive oil.

We're praying without ceasing here in the States.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

God bless you, Janet. Did we ever dream that Spam would be a defining moment in our lives. That is not meant to be a joke. It is definitely a part of a certain number of lives.

Pray that you are safe.


PS Fried toast was my father's specialty. Momma came home one day and he had a weiner in a glass of water.....she said what is that....he said.....put a weiner in glass of hot water and......well you get the picture.....this was before Microwave.....he was so inventive....hahahaha

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

You wanna know something funny? I haven't bought any Spam in years. I just bought some yesterday. I saw it on the Hurricane Preparedness Aisle. I am not going to wait on a hurricane to fix it though. :-) If it weren't so late, I'd have it for a midnight snack! HAHAHAHA


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Ohhhhh, we used to have Spam, esp when we were in Hawaii. A Sgt with 3 kids on a budget! Sorry I don't have the fond memories.

In home ec we would grill it with sliced pineapple on top! It was OK. Still like the pineapple tho! LOL

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

ok, enough..well not quite....me and a mate were sniffing around in the parts dept. at work today and we found a whole case of Spam!!! left over from last hurricane season.....we checked the expiration dates and we are looking good for Dean!!! Ha, no waiting in lines for us!!! Fire up the grille honey, dinner's on me tonight!!! Grilled with some Scotch Bonnet peppers, a flour tortilla, a cold brew....wish it wasnt bedtime already!!! Gotta get some rest for mayhem tomorrow...I see that Dean is almost on top of Barbados now....should speed ahead into open water by morning and then it's time to party...Cajuns and Caymanians do it Best!!! we salt our food with the air we breathe!

good night kids....hug each other daily!!!

john and katie

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Hurricane diet coming up!!! I look skinnier already!

i gone

This message was edited Aug 16, 2007 11:00 PM

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Hugs to you and Katie, too! We're praying for your safety as well!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

John, will be thinking of you and all the other folks in the path of Dean. I don't imagine everyone will be as prepared as you are.....Let us know when you emerge from the other side of the eye. Blessings.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Yikes Stripes!!! Boy, a looky ya....one big wind a come...island starting to tense up a bit...gas stations lining up...it's a waiting game now for us...shutters going up tomorrow..many businesses already boarding up in preparation...more as it developes..

john and katie

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I just had a phone call from my sister. She said Dean could be heading right for Southeast Texas by the middle of the week. If that is the case, we may not be having a wedding here afterall on Wednesday next week.

Still praying for you all there John and Katie!


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

I sure hope not Janet! It will be hard to predict once Dean reaches the Yucatan...you guys in Tejas need a break now....especially after Erin flooded so many of you...we pray for your safety as well...good luck...


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, we are babysitting the great-grand daughter today...10 months old.
Such a happy little soul. We are listening to Bro IZ and she is dancing up a storm and just singing along with her baby voice. To top it all off......there is a Luna moth outside my window. Only second one I have ever seen. Had one in my neighbors yard 2 years ago and we didn't know what it was. Can't believe I only discovered Israel a few weeks ago. Voice of an angel.....gives me chills.

Someday I will go to Hawaii and Cayman and lots of places that are special in God's wonderous creations.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hey! You not coming to Kwaj?? Aaaallloooohhaaa! Our off island communication was down for about 36 hours....no DG!!! AAArrgg! But I am back. Had big storm here last night, don't know if its heading to Hawai'i or to Guam....I'm still checking. Glad to know everyone is ok for the nonce, and we are keeping our eye on Dean. John, you parties sound like tons-o-fun. What else can you do but raise a glass to Mother Nature and say thanks for not taking it all. Not a big spam fan - but do like it chopped up in pancakes/waffles....easy to do over a campfire too.
Christi - so glad you like Brother IZ. Soothes the jangled nerves of a busy life he does. I say does, cuz IZ lives on. Love to you all - so glad to be back!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

john, getting pretty concerned to say the least. the carib link u gave sounds dire. oh dear friends, my heart is with you. vyo con dios..sing the songs of IZ......

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

I wish i was posting on the looking like the tropics thread...all happy with new growth and fancy blooms...i am about a week away from seeing the first blooms on 2 of my plumies and now MeanDean is going to be herein 2 days....if he messes with my frangies I will not be amused....he can pick on the ficus or the poinciannas, henna, even the numerous papayas everywhere, but , my first blooms????one of them has red and yellow showing on the outside and can only imagine their beauty when they open....not the strongest plant in my garden, i feel Dean will take my delicates and toss them...oh well, we are happy and ready for this...chaos abounds island wide...traffic,supermarkets, Ivan messed alot of folks up...no one wants to relive it...guess what, you live in the caribbean...these things happen, annually....be safe, be prepared, be smart, trust God...done.


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

This is the latest post on storm carib...thanks dave...
"Fri, 17 Aug 2007 19:26:19 -0400 (AST) - A Meaner Dean

Good evening!

Continuing to strengthen, Category 3 Hurricane Dean obviously intends to
make a lasting impression of Biblical proportions, especially if he treks
into the high heated waters of the Western Caribbean and the Gulf of

The countries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, especially the southern
coasts should already be on a serious alert as well as Cuba but I
understand many residents of these countries do not fully understand the
seriousness of this approaching storm. History repeats itself; nature
repeats itself. The post from Jamaica about many of the residents there
reflects that attitude of complacency which could be deadly.

Jamaica and the Caymans, I wish there was a "dry-air bomb" we could drop
in the middle of this thing but it still might not be good enough to stop
a Category 4 storm so do what you gotta do to get ready!

The Isle of Youth off the south-western tip of Cuba always seems to take
blows and bounce back. Maybe we could all take a lesson.

Down the road, a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico is like a caged animal;
it has nowhere to go but hit land. No ocean outlets. Tradegy in Texas
could turn catastrophic if this system hits Texas or, if the storm is
steered to the east by a front or trough, who knows where it could land.

Behind Dean there are several waves to watch including that 1009 mb low
just off the coast of Africa. Our next named system??

Until tomorrow, be safe and be prepared!


Wow...windy and raining over the next few days....HA....wind...trying to stay positive here....going to watch some sponge bob square shorts and flip the burgers.....my posts will likely go down hill from here....

i can post the address of the hottest 'cane party but none of you will make the flight in time...i am truly sad....


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

not sad for anything other than we would have a great time over the next days living through this together....this is a small place and the sense of community is never more evident than when a big storm approaches....sorry if i ramble on....i will post facts from now on...


Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks for sharing that post here John. Continuously praying for your safety.


Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

John your attitude is awesome. I applaud you for putting the matter into God's hands and it's wonderful that your community is a together kind of community.

Just know that your friends here at DG love you and are praying really hard!


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yep, Janet is right.

Oh, and if we can ramble then you can too. :~) We will just call you the Rambling Man!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

John, would love to hear your ramblings...whether aided by the fruit of the grape or not, rather than have you not post at all. If you are rambling, you are all right. I read your above post on the storm site, and then again here....filled me with dread...my parents (good friends of Methusala and Moses) live in Brownsville - right on the tip of Texas. And so many of our DG friends are also in the Texas storm areas. We can suffer in so many places when Mother Nature decides to put us in our place. On these small islands, we know the drill, and choose to live with the risk for the live style we have chosen. Mainlanders always seem to be caught unaware - and without the sense of community that islanders have to sustain them. Luckily we have DG - for comfort, support and humor to get us all through. Everyone keep in touch - even if its just a quick ~~wave~~ just to let us know we are all okay. If power goes, our prayers and postive thoughts will get stronger, and we will watch the news with more diligence. Chaka my friend, aurabest and Yokwe.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I have family in Houston and Tyler. I talked to the one in Houston and he said he wasn't sure what they would do if Dean headed for them. His wife would probably go to a different state to family and because of his job he would stay but move inland and hope for the best. His wife was home when Rita hit because she couldn't get out. Traffic a dead stop. But they did ok. He is gonna keep me updated when he can.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Good to hear, Pep. That "six degrees" can make a difference if we need to get help to someone.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I've been watching the weather all day. I have as link that you all might be interested in. It's the Storm2K website forum. Major discussions about Dean from folks who really watch these things. Lots of maps, etc.


May God be with all of you out there!!!

Much love,

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I forgot to add that you can backtrack just a bit to try and follow the discussions by clicking on the numbers at the top of the page. If you click on the STORM2K logo graphic at the top, you can instantly see several good maps.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the link Janet. Every little bit helps.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

keeping everyone here in my thoughts as i go about my daily chores. those of you in the path of dean, keep safe. you are in for a rough time, as you well know. keep the faith.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Most certainly. Katie and I are just working on the final list of things to do...today it has to be all done...filling sand bags, shutters going up, all potted plants, patio furniture, scuba tanks, etc. all coming inside...furniture up on bricks....a full day of chores ahead..

Dean is just 6 mph away from becoming a cat 5 storm...hmmm. just like Ivan..not good...Jamaica is in the cross hairs and we are next in line, with the forcasted path...But, we are ready, we are healthy, we are together, and most of all, Blessed. I pray for everyone that has been or will be affected by Dean. Good luck everyone...will keep updating until power is shut down island wide...probably sometime tomorrow evening...


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

good way to start a morning......that you and Kate and still safe. After being in the same place for over 40 years there aren't enough bricks in the world to move my junk up. (not intending to make light) Continuing to ask Our Lord for the safety of many. Have not turned on the news as yet so don't know what the night brought. ((((((((hugs to you both)))))))


Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

I've been following your forum for a while, what a great group of people.

Caribblue.. aka John, and Shari and all who were scared off Chat last Tuesday night... give us another chance. That was a strange thing to happen on chat as we usually talk food, plants and kids/weather.. just like any Evening Party.

Just as Lours was organizing an island roundup too. Hope you all have all your preparations in hand. Looks like the Mean Dean will be on your doorstep early Monday morning.

I've been trying to access stormcarib.com to no avail this morning all I get is yesterdays page. ??? Hope you are all hanging on like Sloopy with Shutters in place and spam at hand. ~~~waving from the high desert red slickrock country of Utah. Another heaven on earth - except for the lack of ocean. ~~Blooms

This message was edited Aug 18, 2007 12:55 PM

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Still praying for your safety as I watch the Storm2K forum. Keeping all of you in my thoughts!


Rainbow from last year

Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Been reading the stormcarib. and feel sick to my stomach. John,Katie where are you now. Is everyone huddled somewhere together? I know the damage a tornado can do in just seconds as we have been hit 3 times since living in this house. Difference is usually little to no notice. At least on land you can just pack up and go somehwere after it is over for shelter. So distraught about your situation. Praying God's will for so many islanders. We are 350 miles inland so if Dean should hit the Texas coast we will only get a slight backlash. If you can get out I would be more than happy to have you at my home. Just get to DFW or anywhere....we would come get you.

Praying for God's protection.

Christi Lou

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Christi....now settle down. If they need us, it won't do them anygood if you have worried yourself into a tissy! We don't need inland casualties as well ya know! I'll put John and Katie up against any old MeanDean! They are smart, resourceful, and prepared. Not to make light of the situation **AT ALL**!! I just don't want to worry about you worryin yourself sick. AAAAArrrrrg! Too much worry! Sit, breath, and repeat after me....Ooooommmmm, Ooooooommmm. Just kidding..humor helps the world go round. Seriously though, sending positive thoughts and prayers is more beneficial than "worrying", which generally has negative elements foremost in your mind. Push those negative elements out, and concentrate on the positive ones....helps you AND those you care about.

My goodness - don't I sound like a knowitall!!! Not meant that way, I hope you all know.
JB brought me maps and info about all the Caribbean islands so I could understand what all the storm sites and the news were talking about. I keep wanting to be a wizard so I could put an umbrella over the Caymans (so tiny on the map!!!!) to keep everyone safe....I could just move the umbrella in ahead of the storm and protect all the people. But I'm not a wizard, so I send an umbrella of positve loving thoughts that everyone will be safe.
Yokwe, Ciao and aurabest,


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Does sound like I'm mimicking Bette Davis, doesn"t it? Those who know me always call to tell me their troubles so I can take over the worrying part and they can go on about their business. Been trying to adapt "live in the moment"..... it is already history, as in ten minutes ago,....don't worry.......if it hasn't happened yet,.....don't worry. You are right about John and Kate.....they are not inexperienced children.


Now. That's better.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I walk in my house with my nose in the air and proclaim "Whhhaatt a Dump" quite often. Do love a good Bette movie. That was a terrific chant! A little IZ, a little ooohhhmmmm, and we will have those kids floating through the storm on a peaceful cloud of positive thoughts. Then AFTER the storm we can send them sterno and spam ! itsallgood!

Any idea yet if the Wednesday or the Saturday will work better for you?

Enquiring minds want to know!

John - Darlin Man....still got power? What's the haps?

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