To JanetR

Pleasantville, NY(Zone 6a)

Saw you have tried myosotis palustris. Looking to get some seed for next spring. Do you have a source for seed?
Many thanks in advance

Ottawa, ON(Zone 4a)

No, sorry. I just lucked out with this one. Picked up a plant at Home Depot without even realizing exactly what it was. Perennial forget-me-not was enough to catch my eye. Didn't know the "palustris" meant it liked damp soil. :o)

My little 3" potfull immediately started sprawling and the stems are starting to root where they're in good contact with the soil, so it should be great for dividing.

I've been eyeing the little seed pods but so far they're still quite green. If I have any luck harvesting seed, I'll send some along to you. It's backed off on blooming though, ever since the painters trod on it. *sigh*

Pleasantville, NY(Zone 6a)

Oh, yes, pullease. That would be great. Thanks, Janet

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