A Fledgling Cormorant?

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi All!
I'm new to this forum, but not to Dave's or birding.

This little guy was perching on a branch over my pond (fresh water) all morning. I was watching him preen. Evenually, he took off and sailed right into a pine tree that was over my head...!!! Those big wings got tangled in the branches; he fell out an plopped down on the ground right in front of me! I fumbled for the camera as he came right up to me- fearless! I took 2 shots, neither are perfect. (I was as flustered as the bird!) I'll post the second shot, too, it's blurry but you see more of his plumage.

His/her markings and lack of crest makes me think he's a juvenile cormorant- but which species?

Eventually, Jax, my kitten, saw the bird and came running. The bird flew out over the pond, swam a bit, and returned to his perch on the branch, where he is still posing and preening! I wish I had a telephoto lens.

Thumbnail by Jax4ever
Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Here's the 2nd shot...

I should have mentioned that I live in far Northeastern Mass., a few miles inland. I get the occasional sea bird dropping by the pond, but mostly Great Blue Heron, Little Green Heron, plus the omnipresent Kingfisher.

Thumbnail by Jax4ever
Marlton, NJ

Nice pics Jax! Thanks so much for posting these. Sounds like an exciting little adventure!

You really get some nice birds there. I love Kingfishers!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Double-crested Cormorant


Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Resin, is it a juvie? How old? How can you tell w/o the crest? He certainly is a clumsy thing!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Not an adult, but it could be freshly fledged this year, or one from last year.

For species, the slender, extensively orangey bill confirms Double-crested Cormorant; on Great Cormorant the bill is largely grey, and stouter. Also, at least in its North American range, Great Cormorant is largely marine, rarely getting inland and then only on larger lakes; Double-crested Cormorant is far more frequent on smaller inland waters.


Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Thank you!!!

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