How to dispose of "sick" plant debris?

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

We have talked a lot about powdery mildew and squashes with squash bugs, etc. What is the best way of disposing of affected plants so they don't re-infect the soil next year via compost? This will also apply to flowers, e.g. my cosmos is light gray now!).

I put mine in the woods, but I wonder whether they should be sprayed with something? I was thinking of Pam Cooking Spray, which might clog up any bugs and perhaps seal in the mildew. Any ideas, thoughts, experiences?

I think I read in a DG thread that someone said (I paraphrase) "let nature take its course (in the compost) and it will be ok next year". Do I mis-remember?

Any thoughts on this would be very, very welcome (I have a big pile of this bad stuff).

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Anything obviously diseased we burn and then compost the ashes. Bugs, fortunately, are not a big issue in the desert, so far. A hot compost pile should kill most things.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

In many areas of suburban gardens, burning is simply not allowed. Seriously infected plants could be carted away in the muncipal trash - not an ideal solution but one that at least confines the spread of the problem. Many chemical reactions occur in hot compost and there is also the possiibility that some diseases may not live from one season to another. It's a tough call...but I tend to compost everything.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Good point about the burning.

Kernville, CA

I put mine in a sealed plastic bag and leave it in the sun for a week. Then I put the contents in the compost pile.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Good plan. That really should fry the baddies to a crisp.

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

I like the idea of frying the stuff in a plastic bag. My compost never gets hot enough, I think, to kill things. You should see all my volunteer plants.

Thank you for your thoughts.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

That's a great idea about the plastic bags - here with the desert sun, it should really cook them crispy critters!

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