The beetles are here, the beetles are here!

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

(Photo courtesy of, copyright J.K. Barnes.)

This year we are thrilled to see our Sweet Autumn Clematis

is covered in buds and blooms. It will be so pretty!

As the plant has been viciously attacked in years past by
the Clematis Blister Beetle, I've been watching for them.
This morning I discovered they literally moved in overnight,
swarming the plant, having the buffet of a lifetime.

We are not much into chemical use, but by golly we were today.
I sprinkled those suckers with powder until they ran home crying.
With any luck, the powder will work and I'll soon be able to post
a good picture of the fence with blooms abound.

Check out your plants, folks, these things can demolish a giant clematis
in no time!

A good site with images and information:

Karen Marie

Thumbnail by WUVIE
Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh, my. I just found the other thread about clematis disappearing.
Wonder if the beetles attacked Dragonfly53's plants as well?

(Zone 4a)

Ewww that bug looks really gross!

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Not only are they gross, but they are nasty little buggers.

When you try to pick them off (with gloves on, of course) they
literally drop to the ground so you can't get them.

The beetles emit a poisonous substance called cantharidin.
According to what I've read during internet research, the beetles
are bad news for horses and cattle, as well:

Scroll down to 'damage'.


(Zone 5b)

I've been "blessed" with these for the past two years and haven't been able to enjoy my Sweet Autumn Clematis blooms due to them!

I have my Clematis planted behind my water lily pond and am always afraid of using any chemicals because I have a few fish in it. This year I kept spraying with a water hose to knock them off and giving them a good stomp.

Why is it that they don't bother my other Clematis? I'm not complaining by anymeans, just curious.

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)


It could be the scent. If I were a bug, I'd sure be sticking my honker
into those sweet little buds. In full bloom they are so sweet smelling
that it is almost sickening in mass, so I'm just guessing the buds must
be like a grand buffet.

The beetles know just when to attack, it seems.

Were you able to see any blooms at all?

:-) KM

Thumbnail by WUVIE
(Zone 5b)

Unfortunately No I haven't been able to enjoy the blooms for two years now.

The beetles always seem to come before my blooms though, so I doubt that is the case in my situation.

Looking closer at your pix, I THINK "my" beetles aren't that dark in color. I believe they are gone for now but will post a pix if I see any of them.


Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi Bonnie,

My beetles come just before blooming time is here. They know
exactly when to strike.

Hope you are able to figure out what is eating yours. This year
I was determined to have blooms, so I watched them like a hawk.
Every day I would check for bugs, and on the first sign, I was on
a mission.

I hope you are able to catch them early next year.


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