Agastache and Salvia on sale at Home Depot!!

Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

I really lucked into this one. And I don't know if this is everywhere or just here. I went to Lowes for something and was not going to buy any plants (of course) but had to take a stroll through the garden center. The table with the perennials that I always pass by because they are $7.98 were all half price. I got three Tutti Frutti's, Two Black and Blue Salvia, one Red Salvia, one Cone Flower, one burgundy Coreopsis, all were just 3.89 or something like that. So of course I went crazy but what a deal. Hope it is that way in your towns. It is a great deal. Well of course it was way too pricey to begin with so it is really a normal deal but you know what I mean. Good luck to yall finding these wonderful "bargains".


Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

May we all be so blessed!!! Congratulations on your finds! It makes things so fun when you find treasures like those half price! I always scour those half price shelves...I just bought a coneflower, 'White Swan' like that for $2!


Home Depot or Lowes? I'm going to HD tomorrow -

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Sounds like Leslie was at HD, I found ws at Lowe's. Both stores regularly have a place in the back for less than perfect plants. I'll check there first whenever I go to either. I got dascia there half off in the spring. It has rewarded me with tons of pretty pink flowers for my faith.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

The HD's I go to never have sale racks of abused plants, I think they just throw them away if they start looking too bad. I've picked up some good bargains in Lowe's discount rack though.

The HD I go to never has the selection of Agastaches and Salvias you have down south...good going on finding the sale!


Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

I am extremely sorry everyone. It was Lowe's I was at. Not Home Depot. I made a big boo boo. This is where I found the Tutti Frutti Agastache about a month ago and it thrilled the pants off me as it was my first Agastache and I was loving the smell of those leaves. So I paid like almost $8.00 for it. This was the same table they had everything on half price. These are nice big plants too. I mean I have purchased online and paid the same thing PLUS shipping and gotten a plant that had two leaves on it. The red salvia I bought, sorry don't know the name which is one problem with buying at places like this, it was at least two foot high, no kidding. I planted it yesterday and it has bloomed all day today. And the coneflower I got, again sorry don't know the name, has not skipped a beat since I planted it. It looks so healthy. Way healthier than anything I have purchased on line which I guess is to be expected. I think that is why I got so excited. I have been buying such puny little things online that you cannot even tell what they are when you get them and to find these beauties was so thrilling. I bought two more black and blues because for some strange reason this is my dog's favorite plant to urinate on and that does not bode well for my plant. They also had Aster's and I got the burgundy Coreopsis which is just beautiful. Again, my big mistake and I hope everyone did not rush over to HD because it was at Lowe's. I think they are finally pricing things down to get ready for mum/pansy season which is fine with me.

Again, my apologies and I was really hoping some other's Lowe's were doing the same thing. I tell ya I should have bought every one of those Tutti-Frutti's. I have never fallen in love with the look and smell of a flower like I have that one. Of course my yard might become a little Pepto Bismo pink and that would not be a good thing. I feel really bad because I got so many people to read my post and I had it labled wrong. Please forgive and know I was doing it in good faith.


No worries, Leslie, our Lowes doesn't have these plants either.


Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

Sorry about that Joseph. I should have kept my mouth shut. I was just too excited. And to be honest I really did not need any more plants. That is how they pull you in though isn't it? lol


Hebron, KY

Our Lowes's doesn't have Tutti Frutti! It never got any in this yr, so far! :-(

I asked the woman who orders plants and I keep checking. I always get the Tutti Frutti's and I told her I always see them at the store every year. I told her last year the store had Salvia 'Rosea', Salvia 'Wild Thing', Salvia 'Hot Lips' and Salvia 'Flame'. It was the first year I saw (and bought) all those Salvias.

I'm going to stop over there tomorrow and check, but I'm not holding my breath.

Our HD doesn't carry much of anything.


Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

My HD does not really either Marilyn. The only thing I saw there this year was the black and blue salvia and everyone had that. No variety whatsoever.


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I very rarely find any "good stuff" at either HD or Lowes. You have to be there at exactly the right time to catch some things. I almost wonder if the hard to find plants were shipped to them accidentally.

I do tend to go to a local nursery that is pretty expensive but only in very early spring and in late summer/early fall. They keep alot of their perennials year round and move the plants that are spent and going dormant to a 50% off clearance table. I just find the best looking ones and get my deal, knowing that they will turn up again next year. Most of the customers there are flat buyers with petunias, pansies and geraniums so I know that they are wondering why I'm buying "dead" plants:LOL:

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I got my agastache 'Black Adder' and my 'Tutti Frrtti' at Santa Rosa Gardens mail order. BA was 5.99 and TF, 4.99. These were not small or leftover plants by any means, were fast getting here, and in great shape. This company does not have an extensive list, but what they have is first rate and packed with a cooling pack in the box! They also have lots of grasses. I have ordered from them 2 times in the last month and have been very impressed.


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks for that! I'm so glad they started this forum. Knowing information like that is so helpful.

Hebron, KY


Thanks for the info and the link for Santa Rosa Gardens (funny that's it located in FL and not CA - it 'sounds' like it would be in CA with the name like that, but that's just me. lol).

I'll have to look into them. Always interested in places I can get my two favorite gardening passions - Agastaches and Salvias! ;-)


Hebron, KY

I was just at Lowe's and HD this afternoon and of course, no Agastaches and/or Salvias. A wasted trip! I don't even like to shop on weekend afternoons, either.

I'm so frustated that others Lowe's and HD in the continental US are getting Agastaches and Salvias that aren't here. ;-(

I already decided today that I'm going to get/order the Agastaches and Salvias (and other type of plants that I want) and NOT rely on gettting them at Lowe's and/or HD. Then, if and when I find desirable plants at those places, it'll be a real treat!

I shop at two local garden centers and am always on the lookout for plants. When it's not a hot day (which isn't too many days for me), I'll go shop at a plant farm here locally (they have about 32 greenhouses - open aired and shaded and racks of plants in addition, to walk around looking for plants).

I've never ordered from PDN and they have lots of neat plants. They're rating isn't all postive and that's what kept me back from ordering. Can everyone report their experiences (positive, neutral and negative)?



Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I've never had any problem with Plant Delights. They've got a 91% positive rating, so I really don't think you have anything to worry about--any company that's got a ton of ratings is probably going to have a few negative ones, some may be their fault (even good companies screw up every once in a while), but some may be customers who were being a bit unreasonable (I've seen a number of these as I've browsed through Watchdog in the past). You can also look at how many of those negatives were recent--maybe a company had some issues when it was starting out, but recently has been fine (or vice versa). PDN only has 1 negative in the past year so I wouldn't worry too much (especially since it's from someone who was just annoyed about high plant prices, something they wanted being sold out, and high shipping costs, nothing about the quality of the plants)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i am 4 hours away from abilene...but our home depot or lowes gets neither one....much less marking them down; i hate them here

Hebron, KY

Thanks Ecrane for your info. You're right that they would be ok to order from. Love their Salvia listings! Can't wait to order from them next year.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I live about 10 minutes from Plant Delights and have loved everything I've gotten from there...We'll be doing a visit there Sept. 8 and believe me, I will want several of everything...I anticipate a wow...ouch (my wallet) event;-)
I've met Tony Avent lots of times and don't think that he would ever allow bad customer service. I also don't think he has much patience for unreasonable demands. With volume like his, there are bound to be some, so I agree with ecrane.

Hebron, KY

Thanks Bev for your info also! Lucky you to be only 10 mins. away from PDN! I would be there every week and drooling! ;-)

I drool over their Salvias on their website all the time!


Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

Sorry Sticks about your Lowe's. I don't know if mine usually carry such things as this is the first year I have been on DG and have even known about these plants enough to recognize when I see them. So they probably hardly have good ones either. This was quite the find. And they also have a "half off dead" table too. And I mean dead. I am all for going through the battered plants and getting some decent ones for half off but I mean these things are unable to be recognized because they are all the same color, brown. I have been saying for a couple of weeks these places should start marking down because the time is so limited for some this season. Especially the annuals. One nursery I go to still has their sad looking annuals for full price. Makes me mad. I have not bought an anual in a long time, not saying I won't, but don't much see the point anymore.

And thanks for the web site. I will check it out. I have gotten a bunch of online plants. The last ones I got I will have to remember where, the plants were huge, all except the day lillies were flowering already and looked very healthy. But I will check out plant delights because I think that is the 1 online store I have not purchased from this year. lol.


Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

PDN...Yeah...Just tell Tony I sent felt like a bad mob movie moment;->> Couldn't resist!

I usually bite the bullet and buy my annuals as six packs in the spring. I wanna get as much out of them as I can for the season. The easy ones, like marigolds that my DD likes, can be started inside from seed even earlier and be ready around that usually magic April 15 for us.

And never buy brown plants, unless it's something like that leatherleaf carex that always looks dead, but isn't:-)) Now there's a plant for folks with a brown thumb!

Also try High Country Gardens...


Hebron, KY


I love High Country Gardens! I get alot of Agastaches and Salvias from them!


Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I should be getting an order from them any day now...I ordered 3 Agastaches, 2 Salvias and a couple of other things. Can't wait!

Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

Went back yesterday and they still had plants. I cannot believe it. I got two more Black and Blue salvia for my friend and introduced her to the Tutti-Frutti agastache. She fell in love with it of course and wants more. I also got an Aster and two more red Salvias. I have never grown Asters but if they are perennial I will try them and I think the BF's like them too don't they? I will probably end up buying every one of those darn plants if no one else is going to make a go at it. See, they have them at great prices and no one wants them and you guys don't even get a chance to get them at great prices. It is not fair. If I could I would buy them all and ship them to ya but afraid that I cannot do that.


Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

if i lived close enuf i would drive there to get them!!! none at my lowes....

Hebron, KY


I have never grown Asters but if they are perennial I will try them and I think the BF's like them too don't they?

Planted in the Fall, they may or may not come back next Spring. If they don't, get some next Spring, that's your best bet for the Asters 'to keep coming back' each year.



Asters are not as satisfactory as "mums"; they need staking, for one thing, and the flowers aren't as pretty. I get two "flushes" out of my mums by diligently deadheading the first spent blossoms and cutting them back some; they are returning now. The mixed colors are so pretty together.

Hebron, KY


I've grown Aster 'Monch', my favorite Aster and it does attract BF's. I don't think it gets that tall either, as I've never had to stake it either.


Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

sandy mush herb nursery out of north carolina would offer something like a 20% discount on any plants they have if anyone wanted to do a co-op with them. they have mult. salvia and agastache. or even if one person wanted to order 100.00 worth of plants they said they would help with shipping costs. most of the plants they have are in the 4-5 dollar range. has anyone ever ordered from them? if anyone does order from these people please mention you heard about them on daves. and maybe next year if someone did want to do a co-op it might mean more to them if any of us ordered from them this year. i will prob. order a few things this year if i don't run out of time. also, if anyone wanted to go in with me and do a mini-co-op this year lmk.

their web site

Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks for that Marilyn. The Aster I purchased so far is very low to the ground and compact but a nice sized plant. Have had two flowers so far. All the pics I see of Asters have them more like a bush. Is that the normal growth? This one is really flat on the ground so I was just curious.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

There are all sorts of different asters with all sorts of different growth habits. If you're concerned about yours, I'm sure the people in the Perennial forum would know how yours is supposed to look.

Hebron, KY


Yes, most Asters can get to be a bush.

I had Aster 'Raydon's Favorite' and it got to be too big for me, so I dug it up and replaced the area with other plants.

The spacing on Raydon's Favorite is alot bigger than with Monch.

The only photo that I have of Raydon's Favorite (too early for bloom at the time) is the one that I included.

I don't know for sure what you mean by......

The Aster I purchased so far is very low to the ground and compact but a nice sized plant.This one is really flat on the ground....

Can you tell me more about it?


Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY


Oops! I forgot to tell you where in the pic Raydon's Favorite was.

In the pic which was taken 6/24/06 (and I'm sure it grew larger before it bloomed in late Summer - early Fall); its in the flowerbed on the left (section away from the sidewalk) facing you by the border of rocks and left to the pink Guara (long stems with small pink flowers).

Hebron, KY


Here's another photo (closer shot) that shows Aster 'Raydon's Favorite' and how big it can get (and this was only on 7/7/06). As you can tell, it takes alot of space up in a (smaller) flowerbed. This ended up getting larger that season. I kept pinching it back, which probably made it 'bushier' and kept it shorter.

This was a Spring planted quart size plant in 2006.


edited to add.... the Aster is 'behind' the pink Coneflowers and in front of the rock border.

This message was edited Aug 23, 2007 4:51 PM

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Abilene, TX(Zone 7b)

Okay Marilyn, I am beginning to wonder if what I got was an aster. LOL. Mine is shaped much like what they call a Mexican Petunia around here, not sure the real name. It is low to the ground with long leaves pointing from center outward if that makes sense. It lies close to the ground and the kind of long pointed leaves come out from center on top of each other making a perfect circle of a plant. The flower however when it bloomed looked a little like pic of asters I have seen. I don't see however that this thing could ever make a bush type plant. It does look like it has grown upward a little bit since I got it but again it is not shaped to me like it could be a bush. Okay I looked under plant files and I do not know how to put a link here but if you look under common name Mexican petunia you will see the first pic that comes up is a close to the ground type plant. That is what my "aster" looks like but with different blooms. The blooms are more of a mum looking flower. Does this make any sense at all and did I get the wrong plant? I mean it is a pretty plant don't get me wrong but I was kind of wanting to try an aster. If you don't want to go to all this trouble I understand. I am just really confused about it. Thanks for your time Marilyn and if you reply I appreciate it and if not I totally understand.


Hebron, KY


I think you have a Ruellia, not an Aster.

I looked at PF for the Mexican Petunia and looking at the photos, I see what you mean by the leaves, etc....

Where did you get it?

As for copying and pasting, it's easy and simple. Here's how.....

When I typed Mexican Petunia in the space for common name, I then clicked the first plant that was listed, then when it came up

[ Desert Petunia, Florida Bluebells, Mexican Petunia, Mexican Blue Bells 'Mexican Carpet'
Ruellia brittoniana ]

all you do is look up to the area in the top middle of the 'page' next to where the pink rose is it states....

take your arrow of the mouse and left click while you're moving from left to right ( getting all the words and numbers in that area space ). You'll get a blue color bar that covers all the words/numbers, then go to the very top left of the page and look for the word "edit". Click edit and a 'drop down bar' of words will appear. Click the word "copy". Then go to the page (like this one on the Agastaches and Salvias Forum for example) you want to post the link to. Then click the word "edit" at the very left top of the page and click "paste" when the 'drop down bar' appears, then you'll get the page like I just did as shown below.

Let me know about your plant and the "copy and paste" of links. I've never grown any Ruellia. If my Aster Monch and/or if my Aster 'Purple Dome' put out any seeds, I'll be glad to send you some. Below is the PF link for Aster 'Purple Dome'. I have a couple of photos there.

I've included a pic of the flowerbed that I have Purple Dome in (it's just starting to bloom a few flowers - I pinched it earlier in the season to keep it shorter, which made for a 'bushier' plant.). In the photo, it is along the right side of the rectangular bed about halfway up, and right before the bluish flowered Butterfly Bush. The leaves are on the 'yellowish-greenish' side of color. Need to correct that, they're not suppose to be that color.

Let me know if you need anymore help and I'll try to help you! ;-)


Edited to state that photo was taken August 12, 07

This message was edited Aug 28, 2007 6:45 PM

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY


Here's a closer pic taken 8/12/07 of Purple Dome. It's on the far left side of the photo, next to the Butterfly Bush.


Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY


The color in my photos under Aster 'Purple Dome' is the correct color of the leaves.


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