hot dry cultivars

Kernville, CA

Do you know the variety of vegetables for hot dry areas like mine?

Brimfield, MA(Zone 5a)


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

Tigpie, what sorts of veggies do you like? Here in Tucson (which is just about as hot and dry as they come), I'm supposed to be able to grow almost anything, but frequently in a different season than the traditional spring-summer-fall growing season. Lettuce, for example, gets sown in the fall, but shuts down in April from the heat. Tomatoes are a two-season crop; transplants go out in March with an early crop in April/May, then a second crop comes along in October/November. Some kinds of tomatoes do better than others because of growing season length, and I'm pretty sure that would be true for other veggies as well.

One thing that is a limit, is our alkaline soil here. Anything that needs acidic conditions (my personal regret is raspberries) doesn't do very well here.

Kernville, CA

Thanks tusconjill. I sent you a dmail.

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