Anyone have a Photo of Phebus?

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

All I can find is the old catalog and we know they lie... I am 99.99% sure my grandmother ordered this one from that catalog and I am 99.99% sure I have found it in her garden and brought a hunk of it here with me now... just want to be sure all I can.

Thumbnail by MitchF
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

What year is your catalogue and where from?? Guard it carefully. Many people collect them.


Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

1936.. .. .. She bought several from this catalog, she was living in Ok at the time and it was hard.. it must have heen a lot of money to put together back then. She had several more that used to be named but they all died off or lost the name. This is the only one I think 99% for sure this is it... just need soemthing to make sure. Just wish any photo I took of it worked right but they all look really bad - from the list of these this is the only one out there on the list that is yellow... unless it came from her grandmothers garden - back in the 1850s but that would ahve to be a species right? I have the white species here from her grandmothers garden already...

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Well, I have an iris in my garden that was registered in 1840. I love it. It has increased so well that I donated some to our recent NLRIS sale. Gave some to Robicho last year or the year before as well.

You have only half answered my question. You gave me the year but not the name of the company that produced the catalogue. I need both to do some sleuthing.

inanda aka Ginny

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh Schiners

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Merci. Will see what I can see.

inanda aka Ginny

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks - I have been all over the place and I cannot find it... I keep wondering if this is something lost and I have the last remaining or what...

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Does it tell how much the iris was then? I would just love to know prices. I can remember going to an iris sales field with my Aunt Helen, and her spending a tremendous amount of money on iris, back in the 60s.

Like Ginny said, guard that catalogue!

Maybe consider contacting HIPS to see if anyone is familiar with the iris.

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Saddly she only kept the pages with photos.. I have the order form but she did not give the price each just the total.

The total for 6 Iris was 5.00 with shipping... so would be neat to see what the Iris cost themselves. Their home bought then to give some reference cost 30.00 a month to buy.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

I've been to HIPS. NADA there.

Will keep digging
inanda aka Ginny

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks - yep hard one right? Like it just dose not exist, if I did not have the mag page I would doubt it myself.

Spring Park, MN(Zone 4a)

I did find a site that says it was introduced in 1930, but no photo, darn.

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

At least I know now 1930.

I just heard there is a guy over at gardenweb who just offered this in trade. I went to look and sent an email.

Newfoundland, NJ

Someone is offering Phebus in trade? That is wonderful. I don't think this iris is offered by any commercial historic iris grower, and its not listed as being grown in any HIPS members garden either. So it is understandable that there are no photos anywhere. You may have a real prize if you can get it.
'Large' yellows did not come into existence until WR Dykes hit the scene in 1926, so if your yellow iris is 'large' (ie not the little diploids the size of HONORABILE, SHERWIN WRIGHT, etc) you can rest assured your great great grandma
did not have this iris in her 1850's garden.


Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)


I am a little worried about the lady over in the gardenweb.. said she had no blooms ever so no pics but still wanted to trade. . . I might do it.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Was that catalog Schreiner's by any chance? If so, you might try contacting them since they are still in business.

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

That I will do.. great idea will let you all know.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

That must have been quite a bit of money back then. Thanks Mitch.

How odd is it, that you found someone who has Phebus for trade? Must be karma. I would do the trade, just in case it is the actual one, to see if yours and hers do match.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I found a few references to it, on Lauries Shadowood site. All are in French. No pics, though.

If you see something on there, I bet Ginny can translate for you.

It appears there was a man, and a township named Phebus, with an accent over the e. I also saw something that said synonym Phoebus. But it appears there was a JI by the same name.

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Great - I read some french ... will give it a try.

I am working out a trade with them, I dont like trades out of DG but will go for it.

Thank everyone for all your help on this one - Mitch

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Well great! Now I want Frivolite:LOL:

Hope your trade goes well!

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

That is the way this works right? See one want two more... lol

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

I emailed Schreiner's and no luck, they did not know they had ever sold it at all.

Spring Park, MN(Zone 4a)

I tried translating a web page and then sent an email (in English) to this French address,
I asked if they knew the hybridizer, color and/or had a photo of it. I have not had any response, but you may want to take a stab at it in French if you can come up with the right question. Here is the website that lists it under 1930:

I love a good mystery! Hope you find it. It's so nice to confirm and tie up loose ends.

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Thank you! I will try to send one off to them too.

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